After so many years of trading, I have summarized some personal experiences.

1. Short-term trading relies on position management and leverage, while mid-term trading relies on vision and cognition.

2. Don't think about taking shortcuts, and don't rush in blindly just because of rumors that you can make money.

You must have your own judgment, otherwise you will be trapped.

3. For those cottages with small market value, you cannot short them, because the market value is low, and how much you pull depends on the mood of the dealer; don't guess the bottom of this kind of currency, it will rise very quickly, there is only a bottom range, no bottom.

4. Spot should be bought in batches, not at the bottom, as long as it is on the car, the average price can be bought in the decline and pulled down.

5. Believe that only by observing the evolution of the trend, then you understand the essence. The most important thing is the mentality. The rate of return is not the focus, the focus is on the evolution of the internal trend structure.

6. The laws of the market can be observed, but not every time it happens in the same way. You must learn to see the essence through the phenomenon. This is the way to play in the financial market, and this takes time to settle.

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