There are really many pitfalls in the cryptocurrency circle!

Why do some people who sell U on the exchange still have their cards frozen?

The reason is simple: some people who engage in telecommunications fraud, black and gray industries, and Ponzi schemes buy U from cryptocurrency dealers, and the dirty money flows into the accounts of cryptocurrency dealers. And you just happen to sell U from this cryptocurrency dealer, and the money flows into your account again.

When the police track the flow of funds, all bank cards, Alipay and other payment channels involving dirty money will be frozen. If it is just second-hand or older dirty money, it is generally frozen for three to six months. After submitting the flow and transaction information, agreeing to return the stolen money, it will usually be unfrozen in advance.

In this case, you must find a professional to help. As long as you can prove that you are indeed innocent and agree to return the stolen money, the card will usually be unblocked in about a month.

But if it is first-hand black money, drug-related and other serious situations, even if you submit your own flow and transaction information, the possibility of unfreezing is not great, basically you have to wait for the case to be closed or the police to come to question you.

The first time you are taken away to record a statement, you will definitely be nervous. Under stress, you may say the wrong thing, such as admitting that you have been frozen many times, knowing that there is a risk of freezing your card when withdrawing funds, or checking the record of aiding and abetting crimes on your phone. Once you say the wrong thing, you may not be able to get out, and you may even be detained for 37 days.

It’s so miserable. You are harvested for speculating in cryptocurrencies, harvested for contracts, and even if you want to withdraw money after you stop playing, you will be arrested!