[2024.7.30 Bitcoin Ethereum Intraday Market Analysis]

You can refer to the points of 6.35-6.08-5.8-5.4. Don't panic when buying in spot. Bitcoin will not let anyone down. It has not let down any brother who bought Bitcoin together since last year!

The market analysis during the day yesterday reminded us of this wave of decline last night. The last few days of closing the monthly line are the time for long and short positions. Let the brothers pay attention to the market and their positions. The risks have been warned in advance. There is no hindsight!

Today's market analysis:

Bitcoin just fell to the third support level of 6.64 in the early morning and began to rebound. The rebound did not stand firm and fell again. At present, Bitcoin's daily level callback is on the short side.

Today, pay attention to the position of 65750 below. This position is the first support level of Bitcoin weekly K. If it does not fall below this position, the small level will start to rebound. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 67050-67520-68100. Only when the daily line stands firmly above 67050, this wave of callback will be considered over. Only when the 4-hour level stands firmly above 68100, the market will continue to rise, otherwise it will continue to fluctuate widely!

If it falls below the big support level of 65750 today, the market will continue to go down. Pay attention to the support level below 65066-64410-63420!

Ethereum is stronger than Bitcoin at night. It just fell to the first support level of 3258 in the early morning and pulled everyone to the first pressure level. At present, the weekly line is correcting the daily line short!

Today, Ethereum pays attention to the position of 3310. Only when the 4-hour level closes firmly above this position, the 4-hour level will start to rebound. Pay attention to the rebound target/pressure level near 3355-3396-3460. If the daily level stands above 3355, the daily level will start to rebound!

If the 4-hour level close today does not stand at 3310, then the market will not go up so quickly. The small level will continue to fluctuate sideways. If it falls back, pay attention to the support levels below 3258-3223-3173! #超级央行周 #美国政府转移BTC #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #