The road to rate cuts this time is like a marathon, running endlessly. To be honest, I am really looking forward to it, hoping that the Americans will loosen up as soon as possible and let the funds flow out like a flood. The Federal Reserve is thinking about cutting interest rates. There are three mysteries behind this: first, inflation has become obedient, second, there are more people looking for jobs, but fewer jobs, and third, they are starting to think that letting inflation run too high and making the economy weak are both bad things, so they have to find a balance.

Speaking of this week's movements, 96% of the Federal Reserve's bigwigs are thinking about "keeping their troops on hold", and only a little bit, about 4%, is left to think about whether to loosen the interest rate by 25 basis points. But you see, in September, hey, the situation has changed drastically. No interest rate change? No way, zero probability! What about rate cuts? 25 basis points? The probability is so high, almost 90%. If it is cut more drastically, 50 basis points? There is also a slight possibility, almost 12%. As for the big move of 75 basis points, the probability is as low as winning the lottery, which can be basically ignored. This market is really faster than turning the pages of a book, making people feel confused!

Hurry up and cut interest rates, pull the copycats in