The biggest chaos in the coin circle in 2024.

The primary market is like Japan after World War II.

No one said a word, and there was no dog dealer who was willing to do his best.

I summarized the reasons (as follows↓)

The dog dealer thought; "I don't have a big ideal or goal, I just need to make a small goal"

Big brother Leek; "This time I must rush into the top ten, I want to make 100 million"

Then the problem comes, the dog dealer worked hard for half a year to make 100 million, and you also want to make 100 million. What went wrong?

I tell you, first; most of the dog dealers are scammers. (In the eyes of scammers, everyone is a scammer)

Second; those who can break the law are stupid people with low cognition 13. How big do you think they will be. (To put it bluntly, the pattern of a leek is better than that of many dog ​​dealers).

Third; those who cheat everyone once, twice, three times, and four times are obviously scammers and also habitual fraudsters. (The one who can cheat the previous life is the real doer, because every time he cheats you, he will implement it.)

Fourth; With the global financial fatigue and the low threshold, many post-95s kids have disrupted the current primary market, causing more investors to lose confidence in the primary market. (Four words "no martial ethics")

Fifth; The people who really want to do things have encountered scammers, leading to a sentence (People with faith have lost money, and people without faith have made money, so I tell you, it's not that scammers are smarter.) It's that scammers are more shameless. They can earn 1 billion yuan, but they just want to get rich. In their eyes, we are all ants.

I summarize these points!

But today I just want to let more primary market leeks and dog dealers read this article. (Doing human things is close to destiny, doing evil and deceiving).

The net of heaven is vast, and nothing can be lost.


