Xingtong 7.28 Sunday morning Bitcoin view!

Nothing is unachievable. Some things are not complicated or difficult, the key is how you approach them. Doing a simple thing well is not simple, doing an ordinary thing well is extraordinary!

Good morning, friends in the currency circle, this is Xia Xingtong who leads Shipan Fancang. Yesterday, we continued to remind Kanduo to be bullish! I successfully gained more than 1,600 points in the morning and evening! The weekend flight to Qin is so good, Xingtong never closes and continues to be popular! Today is Sunday, we can just do it in low voice in the morning.

Trump’s speech at midnight directly affected the crypto community. During the meeting, the currency price plummeted. When a series of good news came out, the currency price began to pick up again and got on the right track. This is what we expected. This is the right way to go.

At present, the currency price has returned to the middle track of the hourly line. This is a normal retracement. The real general direction has to wait for the United States to start. At present, the 70,000 mark is like paper, and it only takes a moment to rise. If Trump takes office, higher levels are just around the corner.

As for the current operation suggestions, after all, it is the weekend, and with this midnight twist, the bottom position has yet to be confirmed, so pay attention to the strength of the callback and try to push it as low as possible before proceeding in a low tone.

Xingtong’s Sunday morning operation suggestions:

BTC: 67000-67500, looking towards 70000.

Those who have lost short-term positions recently and are trapped in orders can consult Xingtong to answer their questions $BTC $ETH $SOL