I think that I am not as disappointed as I was when I was young. At the age of 16, I caught up with the wave of popularization of smart phones in China and made my first 1 million yuan by reselling Apple phones. I am old now. I occasionally see myself 10 years ago. At that time, I was still a young man full of righteousness. I didn’t submit to anyone. I was second to heaven, second to earth, and second to air. I firmly believed that I could create extraordinary achievements. At the age of 18, China’s housing prices were the highest, and ordinary people could only buy one house in their lifetime. I bought a 150-square-meter large flat in the city center with full payment. At the age of 19, I bought my first car, Prado, and at the same time, I entered the cryptocurrency circle through the introduction of my classmates. At that time, it was still an era when copycat coins were rampant. I threw 2,000 yuan into the cryptocurrency circle and it increased 20 times overnight, which opened my cryptocurrency career. I made 700,000 yuan in the first year after entering the cryptocurrency circle, and then lost 500,000 yuan in 2 days. I think people I had no hope of survival and wanted to borrow money to trade in cryptocurrencies.

Then I worshipped the god of the crypto circle at that time as my teacher (he has retired from the circle now). I spent 5 months and earned 2 million yuan with the remaining 20,000 yuan😂

Today, I have my own trading system and trading cognition, and I can judge the market 9 times out of 10 times. I can make profits based on the big trend alone. My life has changed and I have experienced a lot, including the help of friends, the slander and rumors of villains, and the resignation of team members who are greedy😂I have experienced everything in this life. It is wonderful enough. You just need to remember that any success is not accidental. Behind every wonderful life are countless blood and tears, but when you are successful and rich, people often choose to ignore the hard work and efforts you have put in.

Everything is so outrageous, enough to write a novel😂#比特币大会