The current market can be divided into three major series: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Solana (Sol).

Each of these three series has its own dominant currency, and small currencies usually follow the performance of these dominant currencies. At present, it can be observed that the Solana series has the strongest performance, both Solana itself and other currencies such as Jupiter (JUP) have performed well.

The Ethereum series performed relatively poorly and is considered to be one of the most lagging and depressed series. This phenomenon is partly due to the fact that the Ethereum ecosystem has been built for a long time, and many altcoins in the market are based on the Ethereum ecosystem.

Due to Ethereum's technical bottlenecks and high transaction costs, most altcoins are difficult to perform well when the market fluctuates. When Ethereum falls, it will directly affect the entire ecosystem, and when it falls, it will also bring all the previous gains back to their original form.

Therefore, when current investors choose to invest in altcoins, they should consider the performance of different series. Solana is currently performing strongly and may be worth paying attention to; if you are still watching and cannot see the market trend clearly, it will only fall due to bullishness and rise due to bearishness, free ➕👗 ➕🌍 BNB0098

And Ethereum needs to be more cautious, especially for altcoin investments around the Ethereum ecosystem, which are high-risk and need to be noted.

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