This is a prequel for another post i will be posting in the next few days.
The post in question will be long but it will give you an edge, sadly the posts that take me the most time and are filled with the most knowledge are the posts that get the lowest views(By Far)
This post will hopefully lead more of you to read my next "boring" post.
Lets go,
So what is you edge?
Most people who read my posts have jobs or are studying, you will have an edge in that field over others who have not done your job or studied what you have.
Even somebody who is homeless and without a penny to their name has an edge, they will know how to survive in far tougher conditions than people who have not had to face such adversity.
We can gain an edge out of necessity or the will and determination to be better than someone else.
Why do many people think that you dont need an edge in Crypto?
Most importantly why you dont need to earn one?
Crypto is a zero sum game.
If you are making money, someone else is losing, and vice versa.
I have a limited edge in Crypto because of knowledge,
I have spent countless hours doing research into crypto, mostly macro and fundamentals, somewhere along the way i had an "aha moment" when i could finally connect the dots on a level that gave me an edge.
My edge only goes so far,
I lose 100% of my edge if i trade high leverage/margin, i know this.
This is not only because high leverage/margin is inherently rigged against retail investors, it is also because i dont have the mentality/discipline to control myself.
You might already have an edge in Crypto,
You might have an edge because you have dedicated countless hours to Crypto trading in a constructive way.
You could have an edge just by being disciplined, discipline alone gives you an edge over most retail crypto traders.
You could have an edge because you only buy Spot on dips.
You could have an edge because you are financially secure and you are able to make crypto investment decisions without financial fear.
If you are down in Crypto and cant find your edge then you have a few options,
(Option A) You rely on somebody elses edge, whether that be a family member, a friend or somebody on Square or YT or elsewhere, your edge is only as good as the knowledge they give you and how you use it, at this point you need to ask yourself how easily did they attain this edge, also how easily could you just spend some time and gain this edge for yourself?
(Option B) You take the time to learn, you study, you slowly increase your edge over other traders, if you do this in a sensible way and dedicate your time and energy to gaining an edge, you will also have an "aha moment" when you start to understand the edge you have, an edge you lacked previously.
(Option C) You just keep repeating the same trading patterns as you have in the past and hope this time it will be different, spoiler it wont be, you either need to find an edge or you need to stop.
You cant be succesful in crypto without an edge.
The crypto market has a huge imbalance of power(edge) and it is only going to get a LOT worse before it gets better.
This is just one days worth of "venture capital" news on "The Block" from 25th July👇

This crypto market is a Gold Rush for venture capital
This is not a belief in crypto, this is the richest 1% wanting to profit off Crypto as much as they can in the coming years, this is unregulated bliss for them, they are exploiting a massive edge they have in the market.
My VC Cartel post shows how much of an edge they have
Every penny that goes into Crypto it being fought over,
The higher your edge and the more you get.
The lower your edge and the more money you lose.
This entire list probably has an edge on you, definitely on me.👇
Large funds
Large venture capital
Large CEXs
Large stable coins
Insider Traders
Large and small criminal groups.
Any team/VC friendly Crypto project.
Large/mid sized influencers.
Well educated/extremely disciplined Crypto traders.
Any/All of the above that are using extremely high quality bots to trade.
I could probably add far more to this list, for your average crypto trader this list is basically the unbeatable part of Crypto.
Once all of the above have exploited their edge it is left to the rest of us to fight for the scraps.
They take the meat and we pick at the bones.
I would probably guess that for every dollar/fiat currency equivalent that goes into crypto around 99% ends up in the hands of one of the above list.
This might sound very daunting and it is, we have empowered the rich and allowed them to feast on crypto, the gluttony will not end for a long time, once they have the power they will fight to keep it.
You need an edge, now more than ever
The edge i think i have currently is understanding where the Crypto market will be heading in the next months-year.
I hate where it is headed and had a moral dilemma even wanting to post about it.
I dont want to fuel the VC part of crypto or give them more power, at the same time i know crypto and i know most will invest anyways, i guess offering an educated view, based on research, is the lesser of 2 evils.
I know the VCs will be heavily invested and pushing the re-staking narrative in the months to come, including all tokens, new or existing, that are VC backed and fall into that ecosystem.
I want to be in before the "real" hype and out before the crash.
I want to help people who follow me to understand and gain an edge, i can assure you that when Eigen or its competitors go fully live towards the end of this year then thats where the VCs will heavily influence you to invest.
All the big YT or social media channels, even the square posters with 50-100k+ followers(they are mostly binance backed), everyone will be pushing this narrative.
All of the VC garbage/scam projects allocate tokens for influences, these influencers are selling you something they already own, they want you to be their exit liquidity.
I dont own a single token in this space, i want to educate you and when i suggest buying into projects you will know why, i will do this before i enter anything myself.
Your edge in the coming months is to understand the narrative before it has blown up on social media.
We need to get in, make profits, and then get out, the only way to beat this part of crypto is to have an edge and use it.
In my next post i will explain this narrative and also show why it has not even started to explode yet, currently it cant for technical reasons(slashing, rewards), once those are sorted out and it goes fully live then the next VC Gold Rush will start.
We will be in before that happens.🤙
Thanks for reading.