Investing in virtual currency of "a certain exchange in Hong Kong", a citizen was defrauded of more than 270,000 yuan (from

As long as you log in to a financial management webpage, there will be a "customer service" to carefully guide you on how to buy virtual currency, and then you can make a lot of money? On July 23, it was learned from the Liangqing police in Nanning that Mr. Sun, a citizen, believed the link provided by a so-called acquaintance, logged in to a webpage of a "certain exchange in Hong Kong" to participate in the "Road to Wealth", and was defrauded of more than 270,000 yuan.

Mr. Sun, a citizen, met an acquaintance "Mr. Huang" on the roadside. During the chat, "Mr. Huang" shared his experience and profit in buying and selling virtual currency on a certain financial management App, and enthusiastically invited Mr. Sun to participate in the "Road to Wealth".

Mr. Sun was very excited after hearing this, and immediately downloaded the financial management App and registered a personal account. After that, he clicked on the link provided by "Mr. Huang" and logged in to a webpage called "a certain exchange in Hong Kong". On this webpage, the "customer service" carefully guided Mr. Sun on how to buy virtual currency and see the rise and fall.

After tasting the sweetness, Mr. Sun trusted this platform more and continued to transfer money to the other party's account, investing more than 270,000 yuan. The next day, when he tried to withdraw cash, he found that he could not do it. He realized that he was cheated and reported it immediately.

Investment and financial management must be done through formal channels. Don't blindly believe in the so-called "guaranteed profit", "insider information", "master's guidance", etc. In addition, do not easily click on unfamiliar links, install apps of unknown origin, and beware of being cheated. #内容挖矿 #BTC #ETH