Eight survival rules in the cryptocurrency world:

1. Don’t rush to make money when you hear about it. Understand the ins and outs of cryptocurrency trading before considering investing.

2. Don’t follow the crowd. Wait patiently for a good opportunity before making a move.

3. Don’t put all your money in one place. Buy more coins to spread the risk.

4. Have a good idea of ​​how much you lose and withdraw to protect your wallet.

5. Learn more about the cryptocurrency world, listen to the opinions of professionals, and don’t believe in gossip.

6. Although high leverage is tempting, the risk is also high. Be careful of liquidation!

7. Don’t be greedy when you make money. Stop when it’s time to put it in your pocket.

8. Don’t panic when the market fluctuates. Stay calm and don’t let your emotions influence your decision.

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