The reason why retail investors are the weaker party is not because they have less money, but because of the poor entry point and large leverage. The poor entry point is often caused by chasing ups and downs, and the large leverage is often caused by the mentality of getting rich quickly. Therefore, for retail investors who have been losing money, even if they are given 100 million, they will still lose money, but the principal is large and the time they play is longer;

If it is a trend, the game cycle is viewed on a monthly basis, because the essence of the trend is to use time to exchange space. A wave of trends will attract a huge amount of funds to enter the market, so the timeline will inevitably be extended;

If it is a shock, the game cycle is as short as a few hours and as long as several days. The funds for shocks are mostly fast in and out, and stop loss and stop profit are relatively frequent;

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