Analysts at Santiment again point to a potentially market-positive downturn in BTC. Yesterday, let us remind you,#CryptoQuantgave a bullish picture on the prospects of #BTC, but based on on-chain metrics, not sentiment.

According to analysts, positive comments regarding#BTChave fallen sharply, despite the significant growth that occurred from July 5 to July 17. At the same time, retail players have again taken up shorts (we should add that they are being shaved right now as they grow).

Theses from #Santiment:

- Positive sentiment on#BTCdue to major decline as funding rates point to rising short positions,

- Traders open positions by betting against BTC price growth,

- Approximately 1/3 of the number of positive BTC comments on social networks compared to 4 months ago.

Traditionally, in such situations, analysts are guided by the logic “the market will go against the crowd.”