Hello Friends, currently all transactions in BANKING - HOSPITALS - AIRLINE COMPANIES - STOCK EXCHANGES - INTERNET NETWORK and THOUSANDS OF COMPANIES all over the world have been STOPPED due to the update error. Those who have not made the update sent from Microsoft continue their transactions without any disruption.

📌Microsoft official said, "We are investigating the reason for this."

Flights were stopped in many countries such as USA - TURKEY - ENGLAND - FRANCE - INDIA - SPAIN - AUSTRIA!

It has been confirmed that television broadcasts and the Internet are not used in some countries. Software engineers and hackers did not consider this incident as a case of cyber attack. I hope that no country and no person will survive without being harmed! People were only disrupted due to their daily transactions and this means financial loss. Thousands of institutions and organizations It will be very costly.

I wish everyone a lot of profit 🙏 🫶

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