Is it a bottom of 40,000 or a bullish 80,000?

1. News situation #新币挖矿 $BTC $BNB

1. ETF

From the ETF data; the structure of the market is still continuing to increase, but the volume has decreased, proving that there is a risk of a change in the market. Today's operating idea is to make a volatile trend at low and high altitudes.

2. Biden's withdrawal from the election is a foregone conclusion

From the data: Biden's withdrawal from the election is a matter of time, and the market will start to fall when he withdraws from the election.

3. Market news

From the elementary school point of view: institutions will have promotional activities to make the big cake affordable for everyone.

2. Market analysis

1. Big cake operation suggestion: 62300-62500 to do low-long operation.

2. Aunt's operation suggestion: do low-long operation near 3330.