Comparing a certain ecosystem's strong track with other ecosystems and drawing conclusions about the pros and cons of the entire ecosystem based on this is the beginning of prejudice. Whether it is the development of the Sol ecosystem or the current lag of the Ethereum ecosystem, both pros and cons exist. I hold both Sol and Ethereum, but I have relatively more Ethereum, but I don't have any prejudice.

Since the start of this bull market, SOL has been impeccable in terms of ecology and community building around memecoin. This is a phased success. It has brought Solana into the ranks of blockchain Layer1 powerhouses. No matter when the hype of memecoin fades, if someone wants to issue memecoin again in the future, the first thing he thinks of should be Solana. This is what this cycle has left for Solana, just like the valuable asset left by Ethereum after it experienced DeFi Summer and NFT Summer. Once the most secure blockchain is mentioned, everyone will think of Ethereum.

Looking back at the key to Solana's rebirth, the right time, the right place (capital), and the right people (builders) are all indispensable. The right time is uncontrollable, but Ethereum still has the right place and the right people. Similarly, if you look at Avalanche, Fantom, and Cosmos, there are still many builders holding on. These are all waiting for the next chosen one of the right time. Looking at the entire Ethereum system's dex Uni sushi crv dydx 1inch, they have not had any outstanding performance in this round, perhaps they are all waiting for Ethereum to rise.

Next, let’s talk about something more in line with the recent market recovery. The MEME and AI sectors have both rebounded well. These two sectors also rebounded the fastest after each decline, which represents the industry’s recognition and expectations at this stage.

Maybe the next opportunity is a good time for meme coins to explode. Most people think so. Maybe what is missing is just an opportunity. Looking back a year or two ago, I was also biased against meme. At that time, in my eyes, projects without applications were paper tigers. When the bubble gradually grew, they would eventually burst. However, the bursting of the meme bubble does not mean that we do not need to continue to build to BTC. Just like the rise of pepe is good for all meme coins, the rise of wif will also drive the performance of bonk and the like. Even if it bursts, there will be more ecosystems to build. There is no need to worry too much about rotation during the slow growth period.

Grayscale recently announced a new fund focused on decentralized artificial intelligence: Grayscale Decentralized AI Fund

At the same time, it launched its first wave of package projects: TAO, FIL, LPT, NEAR, RNDR, these top Beta players, are very "stable"~

Currently, the combination of AI and encryption has applications in a variety of sub-sectors, but all include three cores: data, computing power, and algorithms. The several projects selected by Grayscale basically cover these sectors: such as decentralized computing power, AI Agent, oracle, ZKML, and data. These are all areas that can be assetized first and explode rapidly.

Among these fields, decentralized computing is particularly eye-catching: the core layer of AI is computing power and algorithms. Both GPU computing and algorithm models represent huge room for innovation and have extremely high demand for computing power. Computing power has become a form of consensus, and its value potential is comparable to the market value ceiling of the public chain.

They are all benchmarks of the trend, but it is worth noting that the fund is readjusted once a quarter. The subsequent decentralized AI project will be included in the fund basket, which will undoubtedly capture the next wave of grayscale capital increment dividends that are almost clear.

Most likely: Masa

Masa is the representative of "AI Data Chain". It has been making things happen since its launch and has never stopped. It is very likely to become the Alpha target to receive Grayscale funds next:

Then there is: Grass

Grass is a decentralized incentivized web scraping network that allows users to monetize their internet connections by selling unused network resources. Grass fits perfectly with the hot Depin (decentralized physical infrastructure network) concept.

The above content is for reference only!

$BONK $PEPE $WIF #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安HODLer空投BANANA #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #WazirX黑客事件