Let me tell you a few truths: 1. 95% of the participants in the currency circle have never read the white paper of the project 2. 90% of the participants in the currency circle cannot explain how the blockchain works 3. Bitcoin maximalists and Ethereum maximalists are equally narrow-minded and short-sighted. Can such investors be worthy of young models? Most participants only care about money and decentralization, and have never read a book seriously and completely, including the so-called V master. Do you still believe it?

I am doubting that in a market with such a high loss rate, are there any masters? Believe this, believe that, and finally don’t know which one to believe? Making money in the currency circle is a low-probability event. It’s useless to ask anyone. Of course, people are good at face. Even if they lose money, they only say it’s a decline. 99% of people in the currency circle are losing money. Can you guarantee that the answer you get is that 1%? I often tell people in the group that playing with coins ultimately depends on yourself. Most people around you are unreliable. Maybe the person you ask has lost a lot of money himself. Mencius said that the biggest disease of people is to love to be a teacher. In other words, people have a habit of giving instructions as long as someone asks, regardless of whether they understand or not. Most people don't make money, and those who do make money don't bother to pretend to be great and shout orders, analyze, and give advice. Of course, they are also very good at facing fans' doubts, using a set of magical photo-editing techniques to fool fans. Newcomers who have just entered the circle lose their judgment and direction under their photo-editing, and eventually they are all fooled.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #山寨季何时到来? #TON