
⚡️Ethereum (ETH) market analysis📊⚡️

Yesterday, from the overall market, bulls pulled the market strongly, and the big cake once broke through 63700, and Ether (ETH) broke through new highs continuously

Currently reached 3404

Despite a short-term correction, the bulls' strength remains unabated, and the upward trend still exists.

📒From the daily line, the Bollinger band opens upward, and the band line continues to extend, with no signs of closing.

📒In the 4-hour level, the price shows a trend of oscillating upward, and the short-term short energy is obviously insufficient.

📒In the 1-hour level, although the Bollinger band has a closing shape, the overall direction🧭 is still towards ⬆️, and the probability of🈳 in the short term is still relatively low!

Based on this, it can be judged that the subsequent market is still dominated by bulls.

So when we operate, we only need to be low and long.

⚠️If the price retrace to around 3336 in 1 hour and stabilizes… we should pay more attention⚠️…

So we should still follow the trend!

ETH multi-D strategy🎯: 3365-3335 multi-batch

First target: 3400-3425 (you decide the specific amount🈯️🥇)

After getting on the train🚌 remember to come back to comment and follow


