Now many friends are looking forward to the trend of the US stock market after the opening of the market on Monday night. Another positive news next week is that the official launch of the #ETH# spot ETF is likely to come, and there is no highly speculative macro data next week, so from the trend point of view, if there is no new negative news, the user sentiment next week should not be bad.

Even with the increase in turnover rate today, it can be seen that earlier investors did not participate in the turnover. The main body of turnover is still the investors who have recently bought the bottom. The turnover of investors with a holding cost between US$55,000 and US$58,000 accounts for about 89% of the total turnover, while the turnover between US$64,000 and US$69,000 accounts for only 4%. This means that short-term users do not believe in the next trend of #BTC#, while long-term users are completely the opposite.

From the data of ETFs in the past week, it can be seen that American investors, especially traditional investors, still have a strong enthusiasm for BTC and still believe that BTC within US$60,000 is worth buying.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期