In the most enthusiastic days of Taurus, as we approach the peak of the next Bull Season in #Bitcoin;

I won't share altcoin targets to get the most applause

In order to get the most benefit, it is impossible to reach the top, we need to sell only in the right place instead of chasing the impossible and take that money out of the stock market to prevent us from succumbing to our greed and buying new coins, we need to accept that we cannot reach the top and have the will to watch the rises from the sidelines for a while,

If we get greedy and jump from branch to branch, we will be stuck inside with the sudden collapse that will start the Bear Season, and with that psychology, we will put all our savings into the stock market to save that money, along with all the earnings we earned in Taurus, and then lose it,

The beginnings of past Bear Seasons, how they continue and what will happen in the future in light of these,

How our money will become money in the future if we do not take money out of the stock market to chase the impossible and reach the top,

I will share it over and over again without getting tired of it.

I will be the most hated and disliked account of the new investors who will come flocking to me with great hopes saying "everyone wins and I will win too" because I will share these in the most enthusiastic days of the bull, but with the shares I will make, a small group of people who trust me will be able to win the next When the Bear Season begins, I will prevent him from losing his earnings and slowly injecting all his savings in the hope of saving my money.

When those days come, my goal will not be to garner the most applause, but to provide the most benefit.

In the most enthusiastic days of Taurus, when we are approaching the peak of the Bull Season, it takes great willpower to be able to exit crypto without getting greedy, despite altcoins rising recklessly. It is more difficult to wait in a bear for months or even years at a loss.
