The unique rhythm of the MEME market: when it is quiet, it is the time to open the vigilant eyes

In this MEME market full of variables, there is an unchanging law quietly playing: when everything seems to be terribly quiet, as if even the wind has held its breath, that is the critical moment when we keep a close eye on the market dynamics every day and cannot relax at all.

Back then, PEPE was like a dark horse, which came out of nowhere and amazed everyone's eyes when everyone turned their eyes away from MEME.

Looking back, in July and August last year, when the market was immersed in the abyss of despair, MOG was like a sharp sword, breaking out of the cocoon and cutting off all the haze.

And BOME, at the moment when everyone was drunk and I was the only one awake, when everyone's eyes were fixed on ETH, it quietly bloomed on SOL, like a wonderful flower in adversity.

There are countless such examples, and they all tell the unique rhythm of the MEME market.

Now, the big environment is also quietly changing:

⚽️ The end of the European Cup is like a grand carnival that is about to end, and people's attention is gradually returning to find new hot spots.

🐻 The risks of Germany and MTGOX are like dark clouds gradually dissipating, the market sentiment is beginning to warm up, and confidence is gradually rebuilding.

🇺🇸 The footsteps of the US interest rate cut are getting closer and closer, like a sweet rain is about to fall, funds are beginning to be abundant, and the vitality of the market is gradually recovering.

⏭️ ETH ETF is steadily advancing, like a new force is ready to go, bringing incremental funds and vitality to the market.

⏩ SOL ETF is also accelerating on the runway it has started, and will also inject new impetus into the market.

Friends, the worst period is over, and the situation is gradually improving. This is a new era full of opportunities and challenges. Let us work together to welcome the glory of the future!

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Those who like contracts or spot can come and chat with me.

My points are very accurate, and old fans know what my strength is.

After the market fell sharply, Sanjin also ambushed some potential coins that are ready to explode.

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