MEV: A barometer of the future of blockchain
In the long run, MEV (maximum extractable value) is the hidden thread that connects the dots of blockchain development prospects. It whispers about the chain's scalability, solid security fortress, and irresistible charm for developers and users.

TVL: The fog behind the glamour
Total value locked (TVL), this number is often coated with a layer of golden light, but it can also be easily blown away like morning mist. Just a slight push on the L1 token price can make TVL expand like a bubble, illusory and tempting.

FDV: A looking glass into potential
Although the fully diluted valuation (FDV) is not a perfect mirror, it can give us a glimpse of the potential market value of blockchain projects. It is a rough outline, but it also gives a vague outline of the scale.

Economic security: not a panacea
Economic security, this seemingly solid lock, is not enough to protect the peace of the blockchain. The story of LUNA and ATOM is the best example. Consensus mechanisms and governance models, these additional security guards, are also indispensable.

Execution layer: the alchemy field of value
The execution layer is the heart of the blockchain, pulsating with the life rhythm of processing transactions and verifying data. Here, it is the sacred temple where value is forged and captured.

DEX data: a true reflection of ecological prosperity
The data of decentralized exchanges (DEX), like a clear lake, reflects the most authentic prosperity of the blockchain ecosystem.

Developer: The pilot of the sea of ​​stars
In the journey of blockchain, developers are the stars that lead the way, not just community users who go with the flow. The ship of the project should revolve around developers, attract them, and empower them.

U.S. stock market: a mirror image of the future of the cryptocurrency world
The structure of the U.S. stock market may be a microcosm of the future of the cryptocurrency world. Market capitalization and trading volume may converge in the brilliant galaxy of a few leading projects.

Business Model: A Compass for Success
Users are like tides, but tides alone cannot build a dam of success. Finding a viable business model and converting user value into tangible benefits is the bridge to victory.

Value: The foundation of prosperity
Finally, value, this solid foundation, supports the long-term prosperity of blockchain projects. By introducing the wisdom of the traditional investment system and applying the rationality of the valuation model, we can more objectively measure the value of the project and lay the foundation for prosperity.

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