If I bought 2 coins and did nothing, I would have earned 6.7 times. Unfortunately, after I entered the market, I started to trade frequently. I was really a beginner trader at that time. No, I was not even a trader. I was just a fool. Frequent trading made me change 2 coins into 1 coin, and then 0.8 coins. I lost more than I earned. I traded every day, day and night. From that time on, I got used to sleeping late.

Until one afternoon, when the price was more than 8,000, I made a long order, and I was still heavily invested like gold, and I didn’t set a stop loss. I forgot the previous lesson completely. That afternoon, I went to work and had a meeting as usual. After the meeting, I found that my position was liquidated. The price fell from more than 8,000 to more than 3,700, which was directly cut in half.

But this time I didn’t panic or feel bad. Instead, I felt that I should buy more at such a low price because the price will soon be halved after 20 years and will definitely rise sharply.

So I borrowed another 100,000 yuan and entered the market with around 5,000 yuan...