After entering the bear market, I haven't traded in cryptocurrencies for almost two years, but I have actually been paying attention to it. In the second half of 2022, the price has fallen from 70,000 to more than 20,000 US dollars, and I began to prepare to re-enter the market.

There are really not many people who play with Bitcoin in real life. Maybe many people know about it, but no one has entered the market. I remember when I first bought it, I spent 10,000 US dollars. Occasionally, when I talked about Bitcoin with friends when I was drinking, they all disdained to listen. Gradually, I stopped mentioning it, but there are still two or three people who care about it, and we can talk about it during meals.

Just when I was preparing to enter the market, but found no suitable software, a friend of mine told me that I could enter through OuYi and get a Hong Kong email address. Later, I climbed over the wall and tinkered with it. I am a person who actually doesn’t know much about software. I cannot understand slightly complicated processes. However, I finally succeeded in order to make money. ZG users can trade.

But I didn’t invest immediately. I analyzed the trend of Bitcoin at that time. In August and September of 2022, the price was more than 20,000. I determined that it would go down. I planned to buy the bottom when it reached around 15,000 around New Year’s Day. I decided to wait…

The two months at the end of the year in central enterprises are very busy. I have been working to meet the targets, and with frequent business banquets, I have forgotten about Bitcoin. In the blink of an eye, it is the Spring Festival. I looked at the price and I was shocked... It reached the lowest point of 15,400. Now it has rebounded to around 19,000. I invested 50,000 without hesitation. Then it rose to around 24,000 in more than a month, and then fell to 19,000. At this time, I was not depressed but happy. I knew that this was its last stubbornness and it would not fall again. The bull market has begun...

Follow me, to be continued...