Three bad habits of cryptocurrency trading:

First: Blindly chasing the price

Seeing the price of a coin rise is like smelling the aroma of barbecue, and rushing over impatiently. In the end, before eating the meat, you can't even bite the bones. This desperate behavior of chasing the price is like running to a high-end dinner in pajamas - it seems both flustered and unprepared.

Second: Panic selling

When the price of a coin falls, it is like seeing a big monster suddenly drilled out from under the bed, and you are immediately scared to throw away your armor and sell your meat and run away. Even if there is a savior in the market, you don't consider it, for fear that you will end up with nothing left. This operation is like pulling out a tooth. There is still hope, but you just pull out the tooth by the root.

Third: Emotional operation

If you lose a little, you cry and fight to the sky, and you have to hold on to the last moment; or if you add to your position when it drops a little, the result is that you add more and more. Even if you are trapped for a long time, you will run away as soon as you get out of the trap, missing out on a good market. This kind of emotional operation is like crying, making a fuss, and hanging yourself in love, and the ending is doomed to be not good.