It's a new week again. Let the past go. It's important to grasp the current market. In the weekend market, Bitcoin's daily line ended with a negative and a positive daily line. It rose to around 68,500 on Saturday afternoon, which was suppressed near 68,500 on Sunday morning. It was suppressed again and stepped back. It is now around 55,800. In Saturday's thinking, we are firmly bullish. The big cake order is also a perfect sound. It is also Xiaofu's first drop of more than 1,400 points. The short-term increase is exhausted. The market will continue to pay attention to the decline of the market in the future. Participate in the consensus with a high-altitude thinking.

In terms of trend, once the decline enters stagnation, there is a great possibility of rebound. Looking at the recent market trend, the market often stagnates or the trend is slow. There is a large degree of reverse operation. Therefore, the short-term structure is slow at a low level and accompanied by a rebound. What is prevented is the rebound trend. The decline stops and the decline has a certain obvious anti-fall performance. Then the low position grabs more and looks at the rebound. The market is making a temporary plan to follow, and make corresponding changes according to the changes in the market trend! So continue to keep the bullish thinking unchanged in operation.

Morning Bitcoin: Long around 55000-55300, target around 58000

Morning Ethereum: Long around 2880-2900, target around 3150 $BTC $ETH #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?