The current daily line shows a positive signal of the golden needle bottoming out, indicating that the downward trend may have bottomed out and the dawn of a market recovery is beginning to emerge. The foundation of the bull market is still solid, and everyone should remain optimistic and avoid excessive pessimism affecting judgment.

We expect that the market active period is expected to restart in the next August and September, bringing new opportunities to investors. However, during this period, the market may still be in a shock consolidation stage, and bottom-fishing operations need to be patient and be prepared for a month of fluctuations.

When planning to bottom-fish, remember not to bet everything on one throw, and adopt a prudent strategy. It is recommended to use this period of July to gradually build positions through fixed investment to diversify risks and capture potential rising opportunities. In terms of fixed investment selection, Sol, Wif and TON and other high-quality assets can be given priority, each of which has unique value potential and market prospects.

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#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划