I have been an investor since 1990. Some maxims from that time are still very valid today. I will say two that we always used in low periods. I hope it helps:

1) If a lot of people managed to buy at the minimum, it's because the minimum hasn't arrived yet.

2) As long as people think it's too cheap and buy from the descendant, it's because, in fact, it was expensive and prices go even lower.

This crypto market is compromised. The movement now is not a mere adjustment, a temporary fall. We are experiencing a readjustment of the market, a new era where the values ​​of cryptos will be severely reevaluated. The market itself needs to better understand the reason for leaving so many dollars in these assets. Why buy crypto if there are strong companies crying out for financing? What is the real value of a bitcoin compared to the real value of a Microsoft share? Of course, they are two different worlds, but establishing a relationship between them is essential to increase security.

At this moment I would not recommend anyone buying any crypto, on the contrary, selling is the only correct option to avoid greater losses. If by chance the market rises again, you can repurchase something.

save your dollars.

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