1. Don’t buy a house, rent one if you don’t have one.
2. Don’t spend money recklessly.
3. Work hard to save money. Anything below 500,000 is called “balance”.
4. Don’t just slack off. If you make 5,000 yuan a month, 60,000 yuan a year, and you slack off for 10 years from the age of 20 to 30, you will have 600,000 yuan, and your savings will probably be less than 20%. You won’t see any difference between slacking off for one day and working hard for one day, but you will see a different aura after two or three months, and a different life path after three to five years.
5. Don’t visit relatives unless necessary. In fact, many relatives are not really relatives. They will only show respect and courtesy to you when you are valuable and profitable. Once you are no longer valuable, they will not even want to enter your home, and even want to avoid you when they see you on the street.
6. If you don’t have the ability, don’t marry far away.
7. Traveling is actually a "physical" activity, so you need to know what you can do.
8. In summer, the air conditioner is only set to 26 degrees. Changing the air conditioner from 26 degrees to 25 degrees requires twice as much electricity.
9. Being indifferent can save you 80% of the troubles.
10. If you spend money like water now, spending double the money you earn, unless you have a mine at home, no one will pay for your generosity.
11. Don’t often tell others that you have poor health, bad memory, bad luck, etc. There is a kind of metaphysics called “self-fulfilling prophecy”.
12. Don’t always pry into other people’s lives. When you always pay attention to other people’s lives, you deviate from your own track. No matter how much you get, it will not make you happy.
13. Don’t think about getting rich overnight. Don’t believe any scammers who teach you how to make money on the Internet. Most of them just want to make money from you.
14. Don't help others casually. What everyone has to go through is a test or a calamity given to him by God. Whether he can get through it depends on himself. If you help others rashly, you may think it is a merit, but in fact it is interfering with cause and effect. Not only will the other party not be grateful to you, but you will also be unnecessarily contaminated by cause and effect.
15. Drink water when you are thirsty and eat when you are hungry. Say no to milk tea, snacks, or barbecue. They are unhealthy, cost money, and do no good.
16. Start a side business, earn as much money as you can, and spend your extra time on it. After all, today’s wages will only get lower and lower.
17. Stay away from people and things that drain you. It’s wrong of you to look at them for even a second.
18. The less money you have, the more you should insist on buying medical insurance. If you don’t, for 95% of people, if just one person in three generations becomes seriously ill, it can drag down the entire family. Disease is actually more terrifying than we think.
19. Keep your emotions stable. Anger hurts the liver, thinking hurts the spleen, joy hurts the heart, and fear hurts the kidneys. More than 90% of diseases are related to negative emotions. If you are in a bad mood, no matter how good the skin care products are, they can't save your skin, and no matter how expensive the health care products are, they can't save your health.
20. Try to set aside a portion of your monthly salary for compulsory savings.
21. You don’t need to buy an expensive cell phone. One that costs around 1,000 yuan is already very good. Even the best cell phone will not last for more than a few years.
22. I will not resign. No matter how many times the company abuses me, I will treat the company like my first love.
23. Socialize less and refuse useless social interactions. You will just be spending money and gain nothing.
24. People die of anger, flowers die of watering, all serious diseases are related to emotions, long-term emotional frustration will definitely lead to serious diseases, health preservation is not just about what to eat and drink, health preservation is actually about the pattern of life and the feelings of life.

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