The recent cryptocurrency market has lost its "vitality" because the market has not been able to rise significantly, and many people have seen no hope.

Especially the weak rebound in the market has invisibly aggravated investors' concerns. Even those who still have funds in their hands dare not take action.

I found that there are only two core points that really worry everyone.

1. Bitcoin K-line trend, there is a possibility of double tops.

2. The Fed's interest rate cut has been repeatedly postponed, and the market believes that it may be in September.

These two intuitive negative factors are visible and felt by everyone, especially from the K-line trend, the cottage has fallen sharply and has never recovered.

In April and May, some cottages rose sharply, but they began to fall again in June, and the big cake ether also fell continuously.

This directly leads to the account The fact of shrinkage is the essence that really makes the market extremely fearful. Coupled with the repeated postponement of the Fed's interest rate cut, a situation of "misfortunes never come singly" has been formed.

Here I need to correct one thing with everyone. Mentality is a very difficult point to break through in the trading market. Because the human nervous system is a reticular structure, it is extremely easy to cover the whole with a single point.

What the trading market needs is a holistic view. You have to judge these K-line trends, news, and policies together to be calm and relaxed.

Because the influence of mentality on people is uninterrupted 24 hours a day, even if you are sleeping, it will appear in your dreams; so objective analysis and comprehensive consideration will give you a normal face to the results, whether good or bad.

Just like some people look at the current Bitcoin double top, it is about to fall sharply! The Fed may not cut interest rates in 2024, etc. Have you really thought carefully about why you see and hear these things?

90% of the news spread by the media in the cryptocurrency circle is intentional

The truth cannot be obtained so easily. If it is not difficult, you will not have the opportunity to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, because there are many people who want to make money more than you want

Back to the market, the principle is the same; whether it is a double top or no interest rate cut, whether you can make money has little to do with these

Some people may not understand, so let me explain it simply: trading is two-way, there are buy-ups and buy-downs, as long as you buy the right trend direction, you can make a profit

So, there is only one core to making money: buy the continuation of the right trend

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