Only by overcoming more than 90% of irrational psychological fluctuations can you become one of the 10% winners-

The mental journey of most investors is like this:

When in a profitable state, people often think about taking profits and stopping profits, and worry about losing the profits they have already made.

When in a loss, they are often very unwilling, so they are more willing to take greater risks to try their best, hoping to recover the losses.

Our psychological feelings when facing losses are stronger than when we gain gains, that is, the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of making money.

And these common public investment psychology are often the root cause of our investment failure-we cannot correctly face the gains and losses of investment.

When trading, the normal performance of most people is to drag if they are wrong and leave if they win. This behavior is exactly contrary to the core trading concept of holding on to the right and correcting the wrong. We need to have a correct understanding of the gains and losses of investment. When we overcome our own human weaknesses, we have a greater chance of defeating this market.

Make money within your cognitive scope, make good plans, hold on patiently, and execute firmly, and you will overcome more than 90% of irrational psychological fluctuations.

So ask yourself three questions:

Are you losing or making a profit now? How do you feel? Can you develop a better strategy for yourself?

If you can't find a direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, find me at Zui Ye Brief and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布