Before withdrawing from the market, the main force often hides two subtle signs that are not easy for retail investors to detect. These signs usually appear in the high area after the stock price has soared continuously.

The first characteristic is "high volume to lure more buyers". When the stock price climbs to a high level, the main force may adopt the strategy of increasing volume to pull up or opening sharply higher as bait to attract many followers to rush in.

This move is intended to create favorable conditions for the main force to ship at a high level. However, due to the large positions held by the main force, they cannot clear their positions as quickly as retail investors, so they will turn to high-level shocks.

This volatile upward trend seems like the main force is still actively accumulating shares, but in fact it is inducing retail investors to continue taking over.

Through methods such as intraday highs and falls, and violent rebounds after a drop in the next morning, the main forces continue to create market illusions, misleading retail investors into believing that stock prices are strong, thus relaxing their vigilance and increasing their positions.

In this series of operations, the main force was able to quietly complete the shipment.

Another major feature, which is more complex but extremely warning, can be summarized as "the top is abnormally strong."

This feature seems to go against common sense, because it is generally believed that the stock price should tend to be weak after the main force has sold its stocks.

But in fact, in order to smoothly ship goods and maintain market confidence, the main force often shows extraordinary strength in the top area.

Not only do they have to stabilize the stock price, but they also have to stimulate the greed of retail investors by continuously raising the price and setting new highs, inducing them to buy at high prices.

In this case, the stock price trend may appear to be unusually strong, and technical indicators may show a divergence after a shock or a divergence to a new high after continuous adjustments.

Behind these phenomena is the result of the main force's full-scale performance, aimed at covering up its true intention of selling goods.

To sum up, retail investors should always be vigilant during the investment process, especially when stock prices are high, they should analyze market trends more carefully.

Once the above two characteristics are found to appear at the same time, one should highly suspect that the main force may be withdrawing secretly and adjust the investment strategy in time to avoid risks.#非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #ASI代币合并计划