In-depth analysis of NOT coin market dynamics
Cryptocurrency investors, pay attention! At present, $NOT is in the focus of market observation, and its current value is $0.0154, which is 4.83% lower than before. Now, let's analyze the various signals of the market in depth:
🔵 24-hour trading snapshot:
The highest price reached $0.01642 and the lowest price reached $0.01500. The trading volume reached 8.54 billion "not" coins
🔵 Technical in-depth discussion:
The price of "not" coins fell below the 7-day and 25-day moving averages, suggesting that the market is bearish. The continuous red K-line shows a continuous downward trend.
🔵 Market sentiment interpretation:
The current market sentiment is pessimistic, and investors should remain cautious. Volatility indicators such as Bollinger Bands may provide investors with strategic market insights.