Bitcoin has been rising strongly, and you can make money without doing anything. What is certain is that it will most likely reach 48,000 or even 50,000 before the halving this year or next. The best thing to do is to hold on to it and make money without doing anything. Seeing how hard the institutions are working, even the big orders that have been trapped in El Salvador for so long have made a floating profit of tens of thousands. It must be that the US national team has entered the market. After receiving a red envelope of 4 billion US dollars from Binance, they must do something. For now, it is better to take profits in batches. It has risen so high that it is normal to have a pullback of one or two points. Learn to do T and enter the next wave. There are many friends in our community who have made money. Ordi has risen to 60 dollars.

However, when I wrote this article, many brothers left the company because of a piece of information. I think it is extremely unnecessary! This is fake news that the dealer wants to wash the brothers off the company!

The inscription is a "fake" dust attack, and Bitcoin Core's speech is the "real" dust

1. Miners are concerned about their own interests. They will not support the so-called "vulnerability" repair and upgrade of Bitcoin because they will receive a lot of handling fees. Developers are just complaining about it. The voting right for the upgrade is in the hands of miners.

2. Currently, we are at a critical juncture for the ETF application to be approved in January next year. If it were in the past, miners might choose to fork. It is indeed tempting to get a "Bitcoin" for nothing. At present, considering the overall situation, it is highly likely that they will not choose to fork before the ETF is approved.

3. Bitcoin has been declared dead more than "474" times. FUD is the best reward for investors.

This wave of decline is a good thing. It is estimated that the correction will be sideways and then the third wave will be launched. During this period, the Eth ecosystem can be launched.

Why doesn’t Ethereum rise if Bitcoin rises again?

I think this bull market will no longer be dominated by Ethereum. This bull market will be dominated by Bitcoin. Everyone is buying Ethereum. The car is too heavy! It is unlikely to continue to rise like Bitcoin. It is very likely to be washed out and then rushed!

Why doesn’t the old guy go up?

Someone asked whether the old Wangzha projects such as fil, dot, axs, etc. have any chance to return to the high point of the previous bull market!

How should I put it? If I say no, it might be too biased.

The copycats are all tools for the project owners to make money, there is no distinction between good and bad. If you are the project owner, and you have already cashed out, and all the narratives have basically landed, there are still many locked-in shares above.

So will you continue to operate a project that has no story to tell? Without a story to tell, it is bound to be difficult to attract external funding.

In fact, many of the copycat project owners are the same group of people, but they are packaged more obscurely, making it difficult for you to discover.

It doesn't mean that it's over. It's just a rebound, but there is no chance of returning to the peak. Looking up, the gold and silver projects in the bull market have gradually faded out of the public's view.

Of course, there is one exception, the Tiffany project. The story of this project is grand but none of it has been implemented. It is hard to say whether it can rise with the arrival of the next bull market. We retail investors may not pay much attention to it.

But some big investors and project owners are paying attention to it. This thing has been operating and moving towards compliance, but its performance is lagging behind. You don't have to deal with it, but you can pay more attention to it and chase it if there is any movement!

The leader of this wave of rise is basically clear.

Bitcoin Ecosystem Leader: ORDI


Modular faucets: TIA

Public chain leader: SOL

Cross-chain transaction leader: RUNENFT Leader: BLUR

Defi faucet: inj Super

Oracle leader: trb

Ai faucet:fet

Opportunities always come from falling. Remember this. OK, let’s talk about this. Please follow me.