Investing in Coin or any form of investment requires time, knowledge and experience to be able to win?

Most of the people entering the #Crypto market have determined that the goal is to buy the bottom and the top, as well as determine the 4-year cycle to wait for the sweet fruit.

But when I first started looking, sometimes the coin increased sharply, or the market went up and down, people's greed emerged, forgetting the initial oath (When you first start, play with the smallest capital, invest for a long time, invest slowly...) And then we often follow the Allin market with everything we have. The more we want to catch the bottom quickly, so Allin soon becomes that when the market goes down, today's bottom will have a new bottom tomorrow.. And Allin then becomes If you accidentally cut your losses, you can't bear it. If you wait any longer, you will see your account decrease more and more each day...

Investing is like walking on a crowded street with traffic jams but you still try to run fast. As a result, you will overtake carelessly and get chained by the police or worse, get into an accident, just like how you invest. but want to win the market and win quickly in the market... And then get slapped painfully by the Market.


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