Today, the entire Internet is hotly discussing the delayed retirement policy. From the many preheatings in the past few years to today's policy implementation, the general public has actually been given a long time to prepare psychologically. I was also curious and checked the official delayed retirement calculator, and the results are as follows:
It was just as I thought. We, the people born in the 1980s, have stacked up the buffs and are the group mainly affected by the policy. The upper limit of this delayed retirement policy is 36 months, and I haven’t wasted a single month.
Speaking of delaying retirement, I would like to first tell a little story that happened in our family.
My mother has told me one thing at least five times. In her era, people were supposed to retire at 50. But just when she was about to turn 50, the government issued a policy in 2008 that female cadres could delay retirement by five years, that is, they could work until they were 55. When this policy was issued, my mother was less than 10 days away from turning 50, so she happened to catch the last train.