Binance Square
kizoki _Yz
In the world of crypto currencies, there are smart money and dumb money. Smart money enters before the wave, makes excellent profits, and sells at the peak of the wave, whether it's meme coins, dog coins, or even artificial intelligence, it's guided in the end. Dumb money enters in the middle of the wave or at the peak of the wave, and it's dumped because it entered based on emotions and random speculations without considering the risks associated with this market. $BTC $AMP $ICP

In the world of crypto currencies, there are smart money and dumb money. Smart money enters before the wave, makes excellent profits, and sells at the peak of the wave, whether it's meme coins, dog coins, or even artificial intelligence, it's guided in the end. Dumb money enters in the middle of the wave or at the peak of the wave, and it's dumped because it entered based on emotions and random speculations without considering the risks associated with this market.




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