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Nibiru Chain Allocates $15 Million for Blockchain Development #Nibiru Chain has earmarked $15 million to propel the adoption of its blockchain technology. The grant program, offering $5,000 to $50,000 in #NIBI tokens, targets developers globally, with a focus on Asia. Successful applicants gain not only funding but also mentorship from Nibiru's VC partners like Tribe Capital. Led by industry veterans, Nibiru's user-friendly platform already hosts over 100 projects, including popular #Web3 games.

Nibiru Chain Allocates $15 Million for Blockchain Development

#Nibiru Chain has earmarked $15 million to propel the adoption of its blockchain technology. The grant program, offering $5,000 to $50,000 in #NIBI tokens, targets developers globally, with a focus on Asia. Successful applicants gain not only funding but also mentorship from Nibiru's VC partners like Tribe Capital. Led by industry veterans, Nibiru's user-friendly platform already hosts over 100 projects, including popular #Web3 games.

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