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#ICP🚀🚀 $ICP 💎🚀🌞

#ICP🚀🚀 $ICP 💎🚀🌞

互联网计算机 (ICP) 终将走向万亿规模
1. 为什么 Internet Computer 终将成功
ICP 的科技技术在币圈领先其他公链多年,这一点大家先别急着喷,很多人可能觉得,这只是一家之言,但我们先从几个角度来看。
1. 技术团队: ICP 拥有加密圈最豪华的加密天团,可以去官方查看团队资料,链接,当然只是说说大家可能并没有太大感触,那么就举两个对加密技术做出杰出贡献的几个人来讲,第一个 groth,可能有人没听说过 groth,但一定听说过 zk“零知识证明”,groth 是groth16这个零知识证明的发明人,在DFINITY工作数年,第二个是BLS 签名的发明人之一,本林恩,BLS签名是区块链加密技术最常用的签名技术,当然还有TIMO大神,是早起的BTC开发者,帮BTC大大提高了吞吐量,还有很多牛逼人物,也就不一一举例了。
2. 多链世界的构建:ICP 利用其独有的Chain key 技术,可以进行无桥集成的其他公链的Token,目前已经完成 BTC 和 ETH的集成,并且社区目前正在集成 sol,以及erc20 token,为构建多链世界做出了巨大的贡献。
3. 链上AI:最近DFINITY 的创始人 DOM,展示了全链AI,具体展示了链上AI的图像识别功能,进一步优化后成为人脸识别功能,这个就厉害了,当其他团队在使用zk构建复杂的kyc验证时,IC使用链上AI已经要解决区块链当前最困难的KYC的问题,当然链上AI的功能还有很多,最重要的是,在这个数据泛滥,盗版肆行的时代,AI + BlockChain 会推进真正的数据确权时代的到来。
4. UPTIOA 为企业专门提供的私有云:这个就牛逼了。首先大家听我分析。首先普通人对数据的敏感程度是非常低的,几乎不敏感,但是 由普通人 -> 企业 -> 大型组织->主权政府,对数据的敏感程度是以指数级上升的,所以IC使用区块链技术构建了势不可挡的私有云,解决数据安全问题,我认为这是区块链最伟大的发明,数据安全,以及数据确权。

当然IC还有很多很多的应用场景未被列出来,例如Defi2.0,等等的,但是如果用炒币的思想去看待icp,那么可能会错过这个世界上最大的财富。#ICP #AI #DEFI2.0
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#ICP🚀🚀 $ICP Developers can now integrate @OpenAI's DALL-E and GPT-4 AI models directly into dapps on #ICP 💎🚀🌞 "AI enables personalization and interaction at a level never before achieved in decentralized applications" dApps + AI = Infinite potential ♾️ DFINITY, the foundation behind the innovative Internet Computer Protocol (ICP), has just unveiled a remarkable opportunity for decentralized application (dApp) developers. This new feature involves the ability to integrate OpenAI’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence models, DALL-E and GPT-4 Vision Preview, directly into dApps running on the ICP blockchain via the Juno platform. An innovation that comes with significant benefits for developers. AI: A New Possibility for dApp Developers on ICP The integration of DALL-E and GPT-4 Vision Preview into dApps on ICP through Juno opens up a new realm of possibilities for developers. This technological leap allows dApp creators to leverage the advanced capabilities of content generation and natural language processing provided by these AI models. By utilizing canisters and serverless functions, developers can embed these AI models directly into their applications, thereby enhancing the user experience with more natural interactions and dynamically generated content. Beyond improving user experience, the integration of DALL-E and GPT-4 on ICP spurs innovation in dApp development. Developers are encouraged to rethink the functionalities and services their applications can offer, exploring new ways to engage users and solve complex problems with the help of AI. This integration promises to diversify and enrich the dApp ecosystem on ICP, contributing to its evolution and maturity. A Host of Benefits for Developers The integration of artificial intelligence, with DALL-E and GPT-4, into dApps on ICP offers developers numerous advantages. AI enables customization and interaction at a level never before achieved in decentralized applications. Developers can generate and adapt content in real-time according to user preferences and actions.

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