According to Odaily, Sota Watanabe, the founder of Astar Network, has announced that the team has updated the design of their protocol portal and revealed the actual inflation rate of ASTR. Previously, the inflation rate was around 10%, but it has now been adjusted to 2.6%.

The announcement was made on platform X, where Watanabe shared the news of the update and the revised inflation rate. The Astar Network team has been working on improving the design of their protocol portal, aiming to provide a better user experience and more efficient operations.

The adjustment of the ASTR inflation rate from 10% to 2.6% is a significant change. This adjustment is expected to have an impact on the ASTR market, although the specific effects are yet to be seen. The Astar Network team has not provided further details on the reasons behind this adjustment.

This update and adjustment by the Astar Network team demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation in response to market conditions and user needs. It remains to be seen how these changes will affect the overall performance and user experience of the Astar Network.