Thank you so much

Your replies and solidarity and belief in me mean more than you could ever imagine.

My baby (dog) woke me up earlier because she is a drama queen and she wanted her morning carrot, my dogs love carrots šŸ˜‚

I have the flu and im feeling emotionally down so i just wanted to stay in bed, when i got to my pc i saw 50 notifications on Binance and all messages of love and support.

Seriously i cant express how much it means to me, so from the bottom of my heart thank you all.

It feels like a lifetime ago but i only started posting on Binance 2 months ago, this is the first time i have ever posted anywhere, i really didnt expect that anyone would even care what i had to say.

For me posting has always been about educating and also meeting new friends, i have never wanted to use this as a means to get people to an outside group or to monetize my posts.

If binance bans me its their loss, i will still make the same posts elsewhere.

I earn nothing on Binance, i have NEVER once used ANY tags as part of their promotions, you will not find a single writetoearn/writetowin or any of the endless campaigns they try get people who post on square to promote.

I will continue to post here until they ban me.

I am not going to tone down my posts to suit them, if i have facts i will share them, i dont spread FUD, if i post i show proof, if that is bannable then ok.

Maybe i should go down the Binance rabbit hole like i did with USDT.šŸ¤”

I have attached a screenshot of my X account.

@TheWolfThatW1ns ( w 1 n s), others were taken šŸ˜«

I fully intend to continue posting only on square for now.

The X profile is only if i am silenced , i wont be active on X.

Once again thank you all so much for having my back, i value loyalty above all else in life.

I will stay loyal by trying to make crypto a better and safer place for all through my post.

Everything i post, wherever i post, will always be free and available for anyone who finds my posts helpful and informative.

Much love.


#TheWolfThatWins #VCenemyNumber1