Its very clear what is happening.

This is mostly what matters for Crypto price.

Please see attached images before reading.

Today the Price of an Interest rate Cut in July went up to nearly 9% (It was 4% a couple days ago) , the September cut has now gone up to 93% from 77%

This is the news we wanted 4 months ago, now it could be to late, the overall market(stocks, Gold, Crypto) has reacted as such.

The large funds are 100% pricing in a recession, i have absolutely 0 doubt about this.

Large funds or banks dont exit the market in a way you would notice, they DONT want to spook the market, they get out first, before the mad rush to the exit doors begins.

It is already happening, there is news all over that shows this, especially in real estate loans and fraud.

If you want confirmation all you need to do is look how Gold reacted, in times of huge uncertainty, whether that is financial or conflicts, the market rushes to gold, it is the number 1 "Risk off" asset.

This comes down to 1 thing only for Crypto, if Powell cuts in July, that will be the ONLY short-mid term catalyst for a last Bullish phase, i can assure you that it relies mostly on this(for now)

Please dont listen or believe anything else, there is nothing at the moment(outside of war) that will effect crypto price more than this decision.

I have given my theory on this, July Cut-> Pro democrats, anything later and its Pro Trump.

Unemployment is bad but did not collapse, the FED can still hold rates for a few more months, they can still kick the can down the road 1 or 2 more times for Political agenda.

The next rate decision is the 31st of July, a lot more data will come out between now and then, until that decision the market will only make assumptions based on the data.

What Powell decides is what happens, its what will effect crypto price in the coming month-months.

Unless the data gives Powell little option other than to make an emergency rate cut, i think a July cut wont happen.

Will keep you updated.


#TheWolfThatWins #cpi #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #Market_Update