Binance Square
15.4M ogledov
8,986 razprav
Vejo muitos dizendo que a $USUAL tá só caindo kkkkkkk mas o que me alegra é que todo o mercado também tá estacionado desce um pouco sobe um pouco mas não tá aquecido como antes. Então sigo firme com minhas #Usual e ainda vou comprar mais porque creio que todo o mercado de criptomoeda vai aquecer de novo. Então creiam no mercado apenas creiam que vai dar tudo certo 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Vejo muitos dizendo que a $USUAL tá só caindo kkkkkkk mas o que me alegra é que todo o mercado também tá estacionado desce um pouco sobe um pouco mas não tá aquecido como antes. Então sigo firme com minhas #Usual e ainda vou comprar mais porque creio que todo o mercado de criptomoeda vai aquecer de novo. Então creiam no mercado apenas creiam que vai dar tudo certo 🙏🙏🙏🙏
aqui estou no hold tbm ,fora que fiz staking no site , vamos segurar pra longo prazo
在加密货币市场,令人瞠目结舌的一幕发生了!1月10日约格林威治标准时间16:00,Usual交易图表走势突变,一场毫无预兆的突破让整个加密社区炸开了锅,交易员们都被打了个措手不及。 来自德国多特蒙德的散户投资者Jens Muller表示:“当时我看到一根绿色蜡烛图冒出来,整个人都懵了,还反复确认是不是看错图表了,实在太让人费解。”阿姆斯特丹的Kataryna Oleski也说道:“发现钱包余额突然增加,我第一反应就是账户遭黑客攻击了,心里慌得不行。” 为平息Usual社区的混乱,一位高级发言人出面解释:“亲爱的社区成员,昨天市场出现意外的上涨突破。经全面排查,确定是一个失控的交易机器人所致。工程师团队全力控制涨势,关停了交易机器人,让走势回归原定下降轨道。在此,我们向因财富短暂增长而受到影响的各位真诚致歉,今后定会全力避免此类情况再次发生。” 没想到,高级发言人竟会向普通散户投资者公开道歉,这在加密货币领域实属罕见。 而在加密货币领域又有新动态!以马斯克为主题的新兴加密货币Marvin近来表现亮眼,已成功捕获V神与马斯克的关注目光,在业内引发不小热度,未来发展走向充满想象空间。#Marvin #Usual #加密市场回调 #XRP热度飙升 #非农数据大幅超出预期

来自德国多特蒙德的散户投资者Jens Muller表示:“当时我看到一根绿色蜡烛图冒出来,整个人都懵了,还反复确认是不是看错图表了,实在太让人费解。”阿姆斯特丹的Kataryna Oleski也说道:“发现钱包余额突然增加,我第一反应就是账户遭黑客攻击了,心里慌得不行。”

为平息Usual社区的混乱,一位高级发言人出面解释:“亲爱的社区成员,昨天市场出现意外的上涨突破。经全面排查,确定是一个失控的交易机器人所致。工程师团队全力控制涨势,关停了交易机器人,让走势回归原定下降轨道。在此,我们向因财富短暂增长而受到影响的各位真诚致歉,今后定会全力避免此类情况再次发生。” 没想到,高级发言人竟会向普通散户投资者公开道歉,这在加密货币领域实属罕见。

#加密市场回调 #XRP热度飙升 #非农数据大幅超出预期
Christine Gourdin gnDX:
fake news
Aqui estou com minhas 2.343 $USUAL se tô no prejuízo? Sim tô no prejuízo, mas o que me alegra é que todo o mercado tá frio e não só o #Usual então aqui vou seguir firme mesmo com prejuízo porque creio que logo todo o mercado de criptomoeda vai aquecer de novo. E com a $USUAL não vai ser diferente kkkk ela também vai se reerguer de novo ué. Então creiam apenas creiam que se Deus quiser vai dar bommmmmm 🙏
Aqui estou com minhas 2.343 $USUAL se tô no prejuízo? Sim tô no prejuízo, mas o que me alegra é que todo o mercado tá frio e não só o #Usual então aqui vou seguir firme mesmo com prejuízo porque creio que logo todo o mercado de criptomoeda vai aquecer de novo. E com a $USUAL não vai ser diferente kkkk ela também vai se reerguer de novo ué. Então creiam apenas creiam que se Deus quiser vai dar bommmmmm 🙏
sim o mercado está vermelho. mas usual está caindo há dias mesmo com o mercado lateral. infelizmente fracassou
#Usual es una nueva stablecoin diseñada para ser segura y transparente. Forma parte de una infraestructura multicadena que busca transformar el panorama financiero. {future}(USUALUSDT) Características destacadas: * Descentralizada: No está controlada por ninguna entidad central, lo que la hace más resistente a la manipulación. * Segura: Emplea protocolos de seguridad de última generación para proteger tus activos. * Transparente: Todas las transacciones son registradas en una blockchain pública, lo que garantiza la trazabilidad. * Foco en la comunidad: Busca empoderar a los usuarios al otorgarles propiedad y gobernanza sobre la plataforma. ¿Qué la diferencia de otras criptomonedas? * Redistribución del poder: A diferencia de los sistemas financieros tradicionales, Usual busca una distribución más equitativa de las ganancias y el control. * Multicadena: Funciona en múltiples blockchains, lo que aumenta su interoperabilidad y escalabilidad. Te recomiendo investigar a fondo antes de tomar cualquier decisión.
#Usual es una nueva stablecoin diseñada para ser segura y transparente. Forma parte de una infraestructura multicadena que busca transformar el panorama financiero.
Características destacadas:
* Descentralizada: No está controlada por ninguna entidad central, lo que la hace más resistente a la manipulación.

* Segura: Emplea protocolos de seguridad de última generación para proteger tus activos.

* Transparente: Todas las transacciones son registradas en una blockchain pública, lo que garantiza la trazabilidad.

* Foco en la comunidad: Busca empoderar a los usuarios al otorgarles propiedad y gobernanza sobre la plataforma.

¿Qué la diferencia de otras criptomonedas?

* Redistribución del poder: A diferencia de los sistemas financieros tradicionales, Usual busca una distribución más equitativa de las ganancias y el control.

* Multicadena: Funciona en múltiples blockchains, lo que aumenta su interoperabilidad y escalabilidad.

Te recomiendo investigar a fondo antes de tomar cualquier decisión.
$USUAL #Usual Protocol responded to users' concerns about the USD0++ floor Price Mechanism, stating that this mechanism is designed to ensure Liquidity and apologizing for any misunderstandings caused by poor communication. To address user concerns, the protocol will introduce two adjustments: first, enabling 1:1 early redemption function next week, allowing users to give up part of the rewards within a maximum of 6 months to ensure 1:1 redemption; second, starting income distribution in advance, distributing income to USUALx holders weekly starting next week, with an estimated monthly income of about 5 million USD (USD0 APR over 50%). This is intended to balance short-term selling and long-term holder interests, and emphasizes the value of USD0 and the stability of the protocol's economic model. #USJobsSurge256K {spot}(USUALUSDT)
$USUAL #Usual Protocol responded to users' concerns about the USD0++ floor Price Mechanism, stating that this mechanism is designed to ensure Liquidity and apologizing for any misunderstandings caused by poor communication. To address user concerns, the protocol will introduce two adjustments: first, enabling 1:1 early redemption function next week, allowing users to give up part of the rewards within a maximum of 6 months to ensure 1:1 redemption; second, starting income distribution in advance, distributing income to USUALx holders weekly starting next week, with an estimated monthly income of about 5 million USD (USD0 APR over 50%). This is intended to balance short-term selling and long-term holder interests, and emphasizes the value of USD0 and the stability of the protocol's economic model.
Explicación sobre el proyecto Usual y su monedaHago este artículo para los que leyeron mi artículo anterior entiendan un poco del proyecto #usualcoin y si vean si es factible o no invertir en ella según sus planes y formas de generar ingresos en esta app Usual es un emisor de monedas estables seguro y descentralizado respaldado por moneda fiduciaria que redistribuye el valor y la propiedad a través del token $USUAL. Tome el control, genere un impacto y crezca con nosotros. ¿Por qué Usual? Reconstrucción financiera Para usuarios Insiders . Los emisores de monedas estables de la actualidad operan como bancos centralizados, acumulando una gran liquidez pero rara vez distribuyendo valor a los usuarios. Mientras tanto, la criptotokenomics no ha estado a la altura, y a menudo beneficia a los insiders a expensas del valor a largo plazo. Usual pretende cambiar esta dinámica. Al otorgarles a los usuarios la propiedad del protocolo, Usual garantiza que el valor circule dentro de la comunidad, no solo entre unos pocos. Cada dólar en el sistema genera recompensas reales y compartidas, y el 90 % del valor se destina a los usuarios. Usual convierte a los usuarios en propietarios, lo que crea un enfoque nuevo y equitativo para las monedas estables y las finanzas basadas en tokens. La stablecoin fiduciaria definitiva (usd 0) La primera moneda estable RWA del mundo que agrega varios tokens de letras del Tesoro de EE. UU., lo que proporciona una solución segura y remota en caso de quiebra, no vinculada a los depósitos bancarios tradicionales. ⚡️ USUAL, más fuerte que nunca Garantía de ingresos de 4 años respaldando a USUALx. Rendimientos mejorados de USD0++. Retirada anticipada del staking según lo planeado. Precio mínimo actualizado para estabilidad. Los ingresos de USUAL ahora están asegurados y programados. Comunicado de hoy vía X ....... En pocas palabras, al comprar la moneda Usd0 de usual, es como comprar acciones que te generaran ingresos por 4 años, como te paga? Con moneda #Usual , el problema de estos días fue que los dueños de la moneda estable al verificar sus ganancias vieron que en su capital principal había reducido porque hubo una falla y su moneda estable había bajado menos de los 0,90$ y comenzó el miedo, y por eso escribieron el artículo que compíe anteriormente que ellos no tendrían perdidas ya que el contrato es por 4 años y de igual manera sus interés y capitales le serían devuelto, y al que no creyera en este proyecto y ya tenía contrato con su moneda estable podía pedir su reembolso

Explicación sobre el proyecto Usual y su moneda

Hago este artículo para los que leyeron mi artículo anterior entiendan un poco del proyecto #usualcoin y si vean si es factible o no invertir en ella según sus planes y formas de generar ingresos en esta app
Usual es un emisor de monedas estables seguro y descentralizado respaldado por moneda fiduciaria que redistribuye el valor y la propiedad a través del token $USUAL. Tome el control, genere un impacto y crezca con nosotros.
¿Por qué Usual?
Reconstrucción financiera
Para usuarios Insiders .
Los emisores de monedas estables de la actualidad operan como bancos centralizados, acumulando una gran liquidez pero rara vez distribuyendo valor a los usuarios. Mientras tanto, la criptotokenomics no ha estado a la altura, y a menudo beneficia a los insiders a expensas del valor a largo plazo.

Usual pretende cambiar esta dinámica.
Al otorgarles a los usuarios la propiedad del protocolo, Usual garantiza que el valor circule dentro de la comunidad, no solo entre unos pocos. Cada dólar en el sistema genera recompensas reales y compartidas, y el 90 % del valor se destina a los usuarios. Usual convierte a los usuarios en propietarios, lo que crea un enfoque nuevo y equitativo para las monedas estables y las finanzas basadas en tokens.
La stablecoin fiduciaria definitiva (usd 0)
La primera moneda estable RWA del mundo que agrega varios tokens de letras del Tesoro de EE. UU., lo que proporciona una solución segura y remota en caso de quiebra, no vinculada a los depósitos bancarios tradicionales.
⚡️ USUAL, más fuerte que nunca
Garantía de ingresos de 4 años respaldando a USUALx. Rendimientos mejorados de USD0++.
Retirada anticipada del staking según lo planeado. Precio mínimo actualizado para estabilidad.
Los ingresos de USUAL ahora están asegurados y programados.
Comunicado de hoy vía X
En pocas palabras, al comprar la moneda Usd0 de usual, es como comprar acciones que te generaran ingresos por 4 años, como te paga? Con moneda #Usual , el problema de estos días fue que los dueños de la moneda estable al verificar sus ganancias vieron que en su capital principal había reducido porque hubo una falla y su moneda estable había bajado menos de los 0,90$ y comenzó el miedo, y por eso escribieron el artículo que compíe anteriormente que ellos no tendrían perdidas ya que el contrato es por 4 años y de igual manera sus interés y capitales le serían devuelto, y al que no creyera en este proyecto y ya tenía contrato con su moneda estable podía pedir su reembolso
$USUAL Price Predictions and Market Cap Forecasts: Bull Run OutlookAs the crypto market gears up for a potential bull run in 2025, let's explore the possible price levels for $USUAL {spot}(USUALUSDT) based on its current circulating supply of 513.04 million tokens. This analysis breaks down the expected price points at different market cap milestones, assuming a steady supply and the bullish momentum expected post-January 2025. Key Assumptions: The circulating supply remains fixed at 513.04 million $USUAL.Price projections are directly correlated with the projected market cap.The bull market is expected to kick off after January 20, 2025, with significant upward movement peaking in March 2025. Market Cap and Price Projections: $1 Billion Market Cap (~$1.95): This price point could be achieved by February 2025 if the crypto market enters a robust bullish phase. It represents a near 3x growth from the current market cap of $319 million.$2 Billion Market Cap (~$3.90): By early March 2025, as the bull market gains momentum and investor sentiment improves, $USUAL could hit this target. This would require a market cap increase of about 6x from current levels.$3 Billion Market Cap (~$5.85): Mid-March 2025 could see $USUAL ach this level, fueled by peak market sentiment and strong fundamentals. This projection anticipates a 9.4x increase from its current market cap.$4 Billion Market Cap (~$7.80): Towards the end of March 2025, as investor enthusiasm peaks, USUAL break the $7 mark, representing a 12.5x increase in value from its current market cap.$5 Billion Market Cap (~$9.75): If the bull run extends into April 2025, or if major developments occur, USUALhit this price level, signifying a 15.6x growth from today’s market cap. Risks and Considerations: Token Unlocking: Any increase in circulating tokens could affect the price, preventing a direct correlation with the market cap.Market Sentiment: These predictions depend heavily on positive sentiment across the crypto market and developments surrounding $USUAL.Competition: Market dynamics may change as other tokens capture investor interest, potentially slowing the growth of $USUAL. Conclusion: While these price predictions are based on optimistic projections, they highlight the potential for significant growth for USUAL he upcoming bull run. However, as always, ensure to do your own research and remain mindful of the risks involved in crypto investments. #USUAL #CryptoPredictions #MarketAnalysis #BullRun2025 #DYOR

$USUAL Price Predictions and Market Cap Forecasts: Bull Run Outlook

As the crypto market gears up for a potential bull run in 2025, let's explore the possible price levels for $USUAL

based on its current circulating supply of 513.04 million tokens. This analysis breaks down the expected price points at different market cap milestones, assuming a steady supply and the bullish momentum expected post-January 2025.
Key Assumptions:
The circulating supply remains fixed at 513.04 million $USUAL .Price projections are directly correlated with the projected market cap.The bull market is expected to kick off after January 20, 2025, with significant upward movement peaking in March 2025.
Market Cap and Price Projections:
$1 Billion Market Cap (~$1.95):
This price point could be achieved by February 2025 if the crypto market enters a robust bullish phase. It represents a near 3x growth from the current market cap of $319 million.$2 Billion Market Cap (~$3.90):
By early March 2025, as the bull market gains momentum and investor sentiment improves, $USUAL could hit this target. This would require a market cap increase of about 6x from current levels.$3 Billion Market Cap (~$5.85):
Mid-March 2025 could see $USUAL ach this level, fueled by peak market sentiment and strong fundamentals. This projection anticipates a 9.4x increase from its current market cap.$4 Billion Market Cap (~$7.80):
Towards the end of March 2025, as investor enthusiasm peaks, USUAL break the $7 mark, representing a 12.5x increase in value from its current market cap.$5 Billion Market Cap (~$9.75):
If the bull run extends into April 2025, or if major developments occur, USUALhit this price level, signifying a 15.6x growth from today’s market cap.
Risks and Considerations:
Token Unlocking: Any increase in circulating tokens could affect the price, preventing a direct correlation with the market cap.Market Sentiment: These predictions depend heavily on positive sentiment across the crypto market and developments surrounding $USUAL .Competition: Market dynamics may change as other tokens capture investor interest, potentially slowing the growth of $USUAL .
While these price predictions are based on optimistic projections, they highlight the potential for significant growth for USUAL he upcoming bull run. However, as always, ensure to do your own research and remain mindful of the risks involved in crypto investments.
#USUAL #CryptoPredictions #MarketAnalysis #BullRun2025 #DYOR
Philomena Woznick mTB8:
Usual How far will the price go in March 2025?
حادثة غريبة واعتذار رسمي :$USUAL في 10 يناير، عند الساعة 16:00 بتوقيت غرينتش، شهدت عملة$USUAL ارتفاعًا مفاجئًا وغير متوقع في قيمتها، مما أثار دهشة مجتمع العملات الرقمية. هذا التحرك الصعودي النادر أربك المتداولين وأدى إلى ردود أفعال متباينة حول العالم. ردود أفعال المتداولين ينس مولر (دورتموند، ألمانيا): "عندما رأيت الشمعة الخضراء، شعرت بالدهشة وقلت: ’ما الذي يحدث هنا؟‘. راجعت مخطط Usual عدة مرات، وكان الأمر حقيقيًا. لقد كان موقفًا غريبًا للغاية." كاتارينا أوليسكي (أمستردام، هولندا): "شعرت بالذعر عندما لاحظت زيادة مفاجئة في رصيد محفظتي. ظننت أن حسابي قد تعرض للاختراق!" بيان فريق Usual الرسمي لطمأنة المستخدمين، أصدر فريق Usual بيانًا رسميًا جاء فيه: "إلى أعضاء مجتمعنا الأعزاء، نعلم بحدوث ارتفاع غير متوقع نتيجة خطأ في أحد روبوتات التداول. لقد عمل فريقنا التقني على تعطيل الروبوت وإعادة الأمور إلى مسارها الطبيعي. نعتذر بشدة عن هذه الزيادة المؤقتة في الثروة، ونؤكد التزامنا باتخاذ التدابير اللازمة لضمان عدم تكرار ذلك." مستقبل $USUAL وعد الفريق بتطبيق تدابير أمنية أكثر صرامة لتجنب مثل هذه الحوادث في المستقبل. ومع ذلك، يبقى السؤال: هل يمكنهم الوفاء بهذا الوعد؟ في الوقت الحالي، يترقب مجتمع العملات الرقمية أي تطورات جديدة حول هذا الحدث الغريب. {spot}(USUALUSDT) #usual
حادثة غريبة واعتذار رسمي :$USUAL

في 10 يناير، عند الساعة 16:00 بتوقيت غرينتش، شهدت عملة$USUAL ارتفاعًا مفاجئًا وغير متوقع في قيمتها، مما أثار دهشة مجتمع العملات الرقمية. هذا التحرك الصعودي النادر أربك المتداولين وأدى إلى ردود أفعال متباينة حول العالم.

ردود أفعال المتداولين

ينس مولر (دورتموند، ألمانيا):
"عندما رأيت الشمعة الخضراء، شعرت بالدهشة وقلت: ’ما الذي يحدث هنا؟‘. راجعت مخطط Usual عدة مرات، وكان الأمر حقيقيًا. لقد كان موقفًا غريبًا للغاية."

كاتارينا أوليسكي (أمستردام، هولندا):
"شعرت بالذعر عندما لاحظت زيادة مفاجئة في رصيد محفظتي. ظننت أن حسابي قد تعرض للاختراق!"

بيان فريق Usual الرسمي

لطمأنة المستخدمين، أصدر فريق Usual بيانًا رسميًا جاء فيه:
"إلى أعضاء مجتمعنا الأعزاء، نعلم بحدوث ارتفاع غير متوقع نتيجة خطأ في أحد روبوتات التداول. لقد عمل فريقنا التقني على تعطيل الروبوت وإعادة الأمور إلى مسارها الطبيعي. نعتذر بشدة عن هذه الزيادة المؤقتة في الثروة، ونؤكد التزامنا باتخاذ التدابير اللازمة لضمان عدم تكرار ذلك."

مستقبل $USUAL

وعد الفريق بتطبيق تدابير أمنية أكثر صرامة لتجنب مثل هذه الحوادث في المستقبل. ومع ذلك، يبقى السؤال: هل يمكنهم الوفاء بهذا الوعد؟
في الوقت الحالي، يترقب مجتمع العملات الرقمية أي تطورات جديدة حول هذا الحدث الغريب.

لا افهم ما الذي يحدث مع هذه العملة حتى اني جعلتها العملة المفضلة لدي
要理解usual项目方关门的目的,这个项目的收入来源就是用户的usdc,他们拿去买国债,你想退出就得一次性付清3.5年的国债利息,所以是不会轻易放你们走的,因为你的usdc就是他的收入,这是个强盗团队,他设定每周净流出阈值不会太高,高了资金就跑的快,所以很长一段时间usd0++会在0.9附近,很难回到1。也不会有新资金进入,没有谁会去给别人送几年国债利息。#usual #usd0++
要理解usual项目方关门的目的,这个项目的收入来源就是用户的usdc,他们拿去买国债,你想退出就得一次性付清3.5年的国债利息,所以是不会轻易放你们走的,因为你的usdc就是他的收入,这是个强盗团队,他设定每周净流出阈值不会太高,高了资金就跑的快,所以很长一段时间usd0++会在0.9附近,很难回到1。也不会有新资金进入,没有谁会去给别人送几年国债利息。#usual #usd0++
"$USUAL Token's Unpredictable Surge: A Trading Bot Malfunction and Official Apology"$USUAL Token's Unexpected Surge: A Cryptic Incident and an Official Apology On January 10th, at precisely 1600hrs GMT, the $USUAL trading chart experienced an unusual and unexpected bullish spike, leaving the crypto community bewildered. The sudden price surge took many by surprise, sparking confusion among traders who were left scrambling to understand what had just happened. Retail investors expressed their shock and concern. Jens Muller from Dortmund, Germany, shared his disbelief, saying, “I saw the green candle and thought, 'What on earth is happening?' I had to double-check the $USUAL chart—it was real. Totally unexpected.” Kataryna Oleski from Amsterdam echoed similar sentiments, fearing the worst when her wallet balance unexpectedly increased. “I panicked, thinking my account had been hacked,” she confessed. In response to the chaos, the team issued an official apology, clarifying that the price spike was the result of a malfunctioning trading bot. A spokesperson stated, “We were made aware of the incident and worked swiftly to deactivate the faulty bot. The bot's actions temporarily caused an artificial rise in value. We sincerely apologize for any confusion and assure our community that we are implementing stronger safeguards to prevent this from happening again.” As the dust settles, the team has committed to enhancing their platform's security measures to avoid similar situations in the future. However, the crypto world remains on edge, wondering if the team can truly guarantee such an event won’t recur. Time will tell if $USUAL can restore trust and confidence in its operations. #USUAL #CryptoNews #TradingBotIncident #UnexpectedSurge #ShareYourTrade

"$USUAL Token's Unpredictable Surge: A Trading Bot Malfunction and Official Apology"

$USUAL Token's Unexpected Surge: A Cryptic Incident and an Official Apology

On January 10th, at precisely 1600hrs GMT, the $USUAL trading chart experienced an unusual and unexpected bullish spike, leaving the crypto community bewildered. The sudden price surge took many by surprise, sparking confusion among traders who were left scrambling to understand what had just happened.

Retail investors expressed their shock and concern. Jens Muller from Dortmund, Germany, shared his disbelief, saying, “I saw the green candle and thought, 'What on earth is happening?' I had to double-check the $USUAL chart—it was real. Totally unexpected.” Kataryna Oleski from Amsterdam echoed similar sentiments, fearing the worst when her wallet balance unexpectedly increased. “I panicked, thinking my account had been hacked,” she confessed.

In response to the chaos, the team issued an official apology, clarifying that the price spike was the result of a malfunctioning trading bot. A spokesperson stated, “We were made aware of the incident and worked swiftly to deactivate the faulty bot. The bot's actions temporarily caused an artificial rise in value. We sincerely apologize for any confusion and assure our community that we are implementing stronger safeguards to prevent this from happening again.”

As the dust settles, the team has committed to enhancing their platform's security measures to avoid similar situations in the future. However, the crypto world remains on edge, wondering if the team can truly guarantee such an event won’t recur. Time will tell if $USUAL can restore trust and confidence in its operations.

#USUAL #CryptoNews #TradingBotIncident #UnexpectedSurge #ShareYourTrade
$USUAL : A Bizarre Turn of Events and a Public Apology 🌀 On January 10th, at approximately 1600hrs GMT, the USUAL trading chart experienced an unexpected bullish breakout, stunning the crypto community. This rare event led to confusion and mixed reactions from traders worldwide. Retail Investors React Jens Muller (Dortmund, Germany): "I saw a green candle and thought, 'What the heck is going on?' I double-checked the USUAL chart—it was real. Totally confusing." Kataryna Oleski (Amsterdam, Netherlands): "I panicked when my wallet balance suddenly increased. I thought my account was hacked!" Official Statement from $USUAL Team To calm the community, a senior spokesperson issued a public apology: "Dear valued community members, we became aware of an unexpected bullish breakout caused by a malfunctioning trading bot. Our engineers worked tirelessly to deactivate the bot and restore the downward trend. We sincerely apologize for the temporary increase in personal wealth and are committed to ensuring this does not happen again." What’s Next for $USUAL? The $USUAL team has promised stronger safeguards to prevent such incidents, but the question remains: Can they truly guarantee it won’t happen again? For now, the crypto world watches closely, awaiting further updates on this bizarre incident. {spot}(USUALUSDT) 💬 What do you think about this unusual event? Share your thoughts below! #USUAL #CryptoNews #TradingBots #UnexpectedBreakout
$USUAL : A Bizarre Turn of Events and a Public Apology 🌀

On January 10th, at approximately 1600hrs GMT, the USUAL trading chart experienced an unexpected bullish breakout, stunning the crypto community. This rare event led to confusion and mixed reactions from traders worldwide.

Retail Investors React

Jens Muller (Dortmund, Germany):
"I saw a green candle and thought, 'What the heck is going on?' I double-checked the USUAL chart—it was real. Totally confusing."

Kataryna Oleski (Amsterdam, Netherlands):
"I panicked when my wallet balance suddenly increased. I thought my account was hacked!"

Official Statement from $USUAL Team

To calm the community, a senior spokesperson issued a public apology:
"Dear valued community members, we became aware of an unexpected bullish breakout caused by a malfunctioning trading bot. Our engineers worked tirelessly to deactivate the bot and restore the downward trend. We sincerely apologize for the temporary increase in personal wealth and are committed to ensuring this does not happen again."

What’s Next for $USUAL ?

The $USUAL team has promised stronger safeguards to prevent such incidents, but the question remains: Can they truly guarantee it won’t happen again?

For now, the crypto world watches closely, awaiting further updates on this bizarre incident.

💬 What do you think about this unusual event? Share your thoughts below!

#USUAL #CryptoNews #TradingBots #UnexpectedBreakout
Deus te abençoe, se continuar assim vai pras profundessa do inferno
Usual Money’s Protocol Changes Shake Staked USD0 and Governance Token ValuesThe stablecoin usual usd (USD0) has experienced a $340 million contraction in its supply over the past four days. This decrease coincides with an 8% decline in the value of the project’s USD0++ token, the staking derivative of USD0. Redemption Policy Shift Sparks Decline in USD0++ Value Throughout this past week, notable developments have emerged surrounding usual usd (USD0), its governance token USUAL, and USD0++. These events follow USD0’s ascent into the ranks of the top ten stablecoins by market capitalization. In a recent protocol update, the team modified the redemption pricing for USD0++. Previously, the token’s unstaking mechanism offered a 1:1 redemption ratio, but this changed with the latest adjustments. This revision spurred debate, triggering subsequent market activity. On Jan. 9, USD0++ declined by over 8%, falling below the anticipated $1 mark. According to Coingecko data, its value dipped to $0.905 per coin, and as of Jan. 11, 2025, it stands at $0.939. Meanwhile, the non-staked USD0 has maintained its $1 peg but has seen its market capitalization recede from a Jan. 7 peak of $1.88 billion to $1.54 billion—a $340 million reduction. The stablecoin usual usd’s (USD0) market cap since the incident. Source: Additionally, the governance token USUAL has experienced declines, dropping 3.7% in the past 24 hours and 33.1% over the week. At $0.63 per token, with a circulating supply of 514 million, USUAL’s market valuation now rests at $328 million. These dynamics highlight the delicate interplay between stablecoins and their derivatives, as USD0++ functions as a staked variant of USD0 itself. Such fluctuations underscore how protocol changes can rapidly influence market sentiment and valuations within the crypto and decentralized finance (defi) realms. Despite the turbulence, USD0 retains its status as a top-ten stablecoin, holding a competitive position alongside First Digital’s FDUSD, which boasts a similar-sized market cap. #binance #wendy #usual $USUAL

Usual Money’s Protocol Changes Shake Staked USD0 and Governance Token Values

The stablecoin usual usd (USD0) has experienced a $340 million contraction in its supply over the past four days. This decrease coincides with an 8% decline in the value of the project’s USD0++ token, the staking derivative of USD0.

Redemption Policy Shift Sparks Decline in USD0++ Value
Throughout this past week, notable developments have emerged surrounding usual usd (USD0), its governance token USUAL, and USD0++. These events follow USD0’s ascent into the ranks of the top ten stablecoins by market capitalization. In a recent protocol update, the team modified the redemption pricing for USD0++. Previously, the token’s unstaking mechanism offered a 1:1 redemption ratio, but this changed with the latest adjustments.
This revision spurred debate, triggering subsequent market activity. On Jan. 9, USD0++ declined by over 8%, falling below the anticipated $1 mark. According to Coingecko data, its value dipped to $0.905 per coin, and as of Jan. 11, 2025, it stands at $0.939. Meanwhile, the non-staked USD0 has maintained its $1 peg but has seen its market capitalization recede from a Jan. 7 peak of $1.88 billion to $1.54 billion—a $340 million reduction.

The stablecoin usual usd’s (USD0) market cap since the incident. Source:
Additionally, the governance token USUAL has experienced declines, dropping 3.7% in the past 24 hours and 33.1% over the week. At $0.63 per token, with a circulating supply of 514 million, USUAL’s market valuation now rests at $328 million. These dynamics highlight the delicate interplay between stablecoins and their derivatives, as USD0++ functions as a staked variant of USD0 itself.
Such fluctuations underscore how protocol changes can rapidly influence market sentiment and valuations within the crypto and decentralized finance (defi) realms. Despite the turbulence, USD0 retains its status as a top-ten stablecoin, holding a competitive position alongside First Digital’s FDUSD, which boasts a similar-sized market cap.
#binance #wendy #usual $USUAL
$USUAL {spot}(USUALUSDT) Usual 发文称已意识到其质押稳定币 USD0++ 从 1 美元大幅脱锚引发社区关注,因此将推出一系列措施来解决用户担忧并稳定生态系统。以下是具体措施: 收益开关(Revenue Switch)功能 • 启动时间:将于 1 月 13 日启动。 • 收益来源:与社区分享其从现实世界资产和协议运营中获得的收益。 • 预计收益:团队预计每月收入约为 500 万美元,在当前条件下年回报率将超过 50%。 • 分配频率:分配将每周进行一次。 • 目的:以此巩固 USUAL 的实际价值、平衡其经济模式和协议产生的收入。 1:1 提前解质押功能 • 启动时间:将于下周启动。 • 功能说明:允许用户以 1 美元的汇率兑换 USD0++,但需放弃部分累积奖励作为惩罚。 #usual
Usual 发文称已意识到其质押稳定币 USD0++ 从 1 美元大幅脱锚引发社区关注,因此将推出一系列措施来解决用户担忧并稳定生态系统。以下是具体措施:
收益开关(Revenue Switch)功能
• 启动时间:将于 1 月 13 日启动。
• 收益来源:与社区分享其从现实世界资产和协议运营中获得的收益。
• 预计收益:团队预计每月收入约为 500 万美元,在当前条件下年回报率将超过 50%。
• 分配频率:分配将每周进行一次。
• 目的:以此巩固 USUAL 的实际价值、平衡其经济模式和协议产生的收入。
1:1 提前解质押功能
• 启动时间:将于下周启动。
• 功能说明:允许用户以 1 美元的汇率兑换 USD0++,但需放弃部分累积奖励作为惩罚。
#BIO #USUAL На графиках видно, что после листинга монеты USUAL цена начала постепенно снижаться. 📉 Большинство инвесторов, разочаровавшись в проекте, начали массово распродавать актив. В то же время меньшинство опытных трейдеров продолжало накапливать монету, считая, что это было сделано намеренно для снижения цены, чтобы крупный капитал мог войти по выгодной цене. 🤑 В итоге это привело к резкому росту цены после завершения фазы накопления. 📈 Сейчас с монетой BIO происходит похожая ситуация. Цена снижается, но на дневном таймфрейме заметно, что сила продавцов ослабевает: 📊 свечи становятся меньше, а темп падения замедляется. Это может указывать на завершение этапа накопления и возможный восходящий тренд, как это уже было с USUAL. 🚀
На графиках видно, что после листинга монеты USUAL цена начала постепенно снижаться. 📉 Большинство инвесторов, разочаровавшись в проекте, начали массово распродавать актив. В то же время меньшинство опытных трейдеров продолжало накапливать монету, считая, что это было сделано намеренно для снижения цены, чтобы крупный капитал мог войти по выгодной цене. 🤑

В итоге это привело к резкому росту цены после завершения фазы накопления. 📈

Сейчас с монетой BIO происходит похожая ситуация. Цена снижается, но на дневном таймфрейме заметно, что сила продавцов ослабевает: 📊 свечи становятся меньше, а темп падения замедляется. Это может указывать на завершение этапа накопления и возможный восходящий тренд, как это уже было с USUAL. 🚀
Подкинь причины и факты, почему это скам.
How to Stake Your $USUAL and Earn Up to 280% APY? Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide!Staking $USUAL {spot}(USUALUSDT) has never been more rewarding! Follow these simple steps to make your $USUAL work for you and unlock an impressive 280% annual return. Step-by-Step Process to Stake $USUAL Step 1: Prepare Your $ETH for Gas Fees Ensure you have a sufficient amount of USUAL and a small amount of $ETH in your wallet to cover gas fee. Step 2: Access Your Web3 Wallet Open your wallet and navigate to the top menu. Look for and select the Web3 option. Step 3: Deposit Tokens Press the Receive button in your wallet to receive USUAL from exchanges like Binance or any other supported platforms. Step 4: Transfer Tokens to Web3 Move both your $ETH to your Web3 wallet. Step 5: Visit the Official USUAL your wallet, go to the Discover tab and search for the official USUAL as Make sure you access it through trusted links (e.g., “USUAL Coin Info” > “Official Website”). Step 6: Navigate to the Staking Section Once on the website, open the Earn section and select USUALx to begin staking. Step 7: Swap USUAL the staking interface to swap your USUAL . Congratulations, your staking journey has begun! What Are the Benefits of Staking $USUAL? 1️⃣ Auto-Compounding Rewards By holding $USUALx, you enjoy auto-compounding rewards at a rate of 9% monthly. This eliminates the need to manually restake, making it a hassle-free investment. 2️⃣ Weekly Revenue Rewards On top of the compounding rewards, you also earn 79% APY from weekly revenue-sharing, equating to approximately 1.5% weekly or 4.5% monthly. The website provides a clear projection of your rewards, allowing you to track your earnings effortlessly. Important Notes for Unstaking If you decide to unstake, a 10% tax applies. To maximize your returns, ensure that you only unstake after reaching a profitable position. This strategy allows you to hold USUAL optimizing your rewards. Final Thoughts Staking USUAL tunity for passive income enthusiasts, blending simplicity with impressive returns. Remember to do your own research (DYOR) and evaluate the associated risks before making any financial decisions. Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results. #StakingRewards #PassiveIncome #USUAL #CryptoEarnings

How to Stake Your $USUAL and Earn Up to 280% APY? Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide!

Staking $USUAL

has never been more rewarding! Follow these simple steps to make your $USUAL work for you and unlock an impressive 280% annual return.
Step-by-Step Process to Stake $USUAL
Step 1: Prepare Your $ETH for Gas Fees
Ensure you have a sufficient amount of USUAL and a small amount of $ETH in your wallet to cover gas fee.
Step 2: Access Your Web3 Wallet
Open your wallet and navigate to the top menu. Look for and select the Web3 option.
Step 3: Deposit Tokens
Press the Receive button in your wallet to receive USUAL from exchanges like Binance or any other supported platforms.
Step 4: Transfer Tokens to Web3
Move both your $ETH to your Web3 wallet.
Step 5: Visit the Official USUAL your wallet, go to the Discover tab and search for the official USUAL as Make sure you access it through trusted links (e.g., “USUAL Coin Info” > “Official Website”).
Step 6: Navigate to the Staking Section
Once on the website, open the Earn section and select USUALx to begin staking.
Step 7: Swap USUAL the staking interface to swap your USUAL . Congratulations, your staking journey has begun!
What Are the Benefits of Staking $USUAL ?
1️⃣ Auto-Compounding Rewards
By holding $USUALx, you enjoy auto-compounding rewards at a rate of 9% monthly. This eliminates the need to manually restake, making it a hassle-free investment.
2️⃣ Weekly Revenue Rewards
On top of the compounding rewards, you also earn 79% APY from weekly revenue-sharing, equating to approximately 1.5% weekly or 4.5% monthly. The website provides a clear projection of your rewards, allowing you to track your earnings effortlessly.
Important Notes for Unstaking
If you decide to unstake, a 10% tax applies. To maximize your returns, ensure that you only unstake after reaching a profitable position. This strategy allows you to hold USUAL optimizing your rewards.
Final Thoughts
Staking USUAL tunity for passive income enthusiasts, blending simplicity with impressive returns. Remember to do your own research (DYOR) and evaluate the associated risks before making any financial decisions.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
#StakingRewards #PassiveIncome #USUAL #CryptoEarnings
Infelizmente no Brasil não está liberado Web3
🌊 "Houston, We Have a Problem (Or a Golden Opportunity?)" 🌊 📉 Gráfico diario$USUAL : La tendencia bajista sigue firme, con velas rojas que parecen una fila interminable de semáforos en rojo. El RSI grita sobreventa, pero… ¿será suficiente para un rebote? ⏳ Gráfico de cuatro horas$USUAL : Una leve consolidación, como si el mercado estuviera tomando aire. Eso sí, el precio sigue atrapado bajo las medias móviles clave. 🤔 ¿Vos qué hacés en esta situación? 💡 Comprar y gritar "to the moon" (aunque sea desde la tribuna). 💡 Hacer staking y poner la calma en "modo zen". 💡 Mirar de lejos y esperar que alguien más resuelva la ecuación. 🔥 Sin humo: Esto es cripto, donde lo único seguro es la volatilidad. ¿Comprás el dip, te ponés a stakear o te quedás mirando desde la barrera? #usual #binance
🌊 "Houston, We Have a Problem (Or a Golden Opportunity?)" 🌊

📉 Gráfico diario$USUAL : La tendencia bajista sigue firme, con velas rojas que parecen una fila interminable de semáforos en rojo. El RSI grita sobreventa, pero… ¿será suficiente para un rebote?

⏳ Gráfico de cuatro horas$USUAL : Una leve consolidación, como si el mercado estuviera tomando aire. Eso sí, el precio sigue atrapado bajo las medias móviles clave.

🤔 ¿Vos qué hacés en esta situación?
💡 Comprar y gritar "to the moon" (aunque sea desde la tribuna).
💡 Hacer staking y poner la calma en "modo zen".
💡 Mirar de lejos y esperar que alguien más resuelva la ecuación.

🔥 Sin humo: Esto es cripto, donde lo único seguro es la volatilidad. ¿Comprás el dip, te ponés a stakear o te quedás mirando desde la barrera?

#usual #binance
SEGURA #usual lembrando aqui da turma do "segura" enchendo a minha paciência porque falei que 1,30 era ponto de venda, depois quando abri venda a 1,20 e a 1,10 e 1$... Me chamavam de mão de alface e eu só vendendo, recomprando, vendendo e recomprando ... Hoje, um mês depois, não perdi um centavo com usual, pelo contrário, estou com 80% a mais de moedas com, praticamente, o mesmo valor de investimento inicial. E os caras do segura chegaram a perder 70% do investimento e ainda estão com o mesmo número de moedas. Quem é mão de alface agora? Eu, que lucrei e aumentei a minha posição ou vocês que acreditaram que segurar moeda em mercado baixista e EM PLENO DESPEJO era uma "boa ideia"? Agora eu posso segurar para sempre, basta, "se EU quiser", vender a metade da minha posição para a outra metade ficar a custo zero. Mas não, não vou sair desta moeda fantástica. Daqui a pouco vendo de novo, ou converto em outra e aguardo para reconverter em usual...
#usual lembrando aqui da turma do "segura" enchendo a minha paciência porque falei que 1,30 era ponto de venda, depois quando abri venda a 1,20 e a 1,10 e 1$...
Me chamavam de mão de alface e eu só vendendo, recomprando, vendendo e recomprando ...
Hoje, um mês depois, não perdi um centavo com usual, pelo contrário, estou com 80% a mais de moedas com, praticamente, o mesmo valor de investimento inicial. E os caras do segura chegaram a perder 70% do investimento e ainda estão com o mesmo número de moedas.
Quem é mão de alface agora? Eu, que lucrei e aumentei a minha posição ou vocês que acreditaram que segurar moeda em mercado baixista e EM PLENO DESPEJO era uma "boa ideia"?
Agora eu posso segurar para sempre, basta, "se EU quiser", vender a metade da minha posição para a outra metade ficar a custo zero. Mas não, não vou sair desta moeda fantástica. Daqui a pouco vendo de novo, ou converto em outra e aguardo para reconverter em usual...
Zeus D:
como eu sei a hora certa de tirar o lucro entendo só um pouquinho quase nada
$USUAL /USDT Trading Signal - Testing Key Support Zone? Entry Range: $0.5950–$0.6000 Target 1: $0.6200 Target 2: $0.6400 Stop Loss: $0.5800 Observation: The price is testing $0.5950 support after a strong decline. If buyers emerge, a rebound toward $0.6400 is possible. However, a break below $0.5800 could signal further downside. Watch for volume confirmation on the next move. #CryptoTrading #USUAL #USDT
$USUAL /USDT Trading Signal - Testing Key Support Zone?

Entry Range: $0.5950–$0.6000
Target 1: $0.6200
Target 2: $0.6400
Stop Loss: $0.5800

Observation: The price is testing $0.5950 support after a strong decline. If buyers emerge, a rebound toward $0.6400 is possible. However, a break below $0.5800 could signal further downside. Watch for volume confirmation on the next move.

#CryptoTrading #USUAL #USDT
Georgann Ehmer uGkV:
tava 1.40 todo mundo queria comprar, a hora de comprar é agora.
🚀 $USUAL Ready to Surge or Slip? Here’s the Breakdown! 🔍 Key Highlights: • Price: $0.6252 (+1.26%) • Market Cap: $321.83M • 24h Trading Volume: $175.88M • Circulating Supply: 514.52M / 4B 📈 5 Bullish Targets: 1. Short-term: $0.75 2. Mid-term: $0.88 3. Breakout Potential: $1.10 4. Psychological Level: $1.25 5. ATH Retest: $1.65 📉 5 Bearish Targets: 1. Support Zone: $0.58 2. Critical Level: $0.50 3. Further Decline: $0.45 4. Last Stronghold: $0.30 5. New Lows: $0.20 📊 Technical Insights: • RSI: Neutral at 61.61, indicating a balanced market with no immediate overbought/oversold conditions. • Volume Profile: Steady inflows, but recent outflows (-$2.34M) signal cautious sentiment. • Moving Averages: Trading below the 7-day MA ($0.7674), a breakout above could trigger bullish momentum. ⚡ Factors to Watch: • Rising Adoption: The utility of $USUAL in real-world asset tokenization could boost its demand. • Market Recovery: Overall market sentiment improving could push $USUAL higher. • Volume Surge: Keep an eye on any sharp spikes in buying volume. Final Takeaway: $USUAL is showing signs of consolidation. A strong breakout above $0.75 could lead to a significant rally, but downside risks remain near $0.50 if selling pressure increases. Always DYOR and watch the key support/resistance zones closely! 📈💡 #CryptoAnalysis #USUAL
🚀 $USUAL Ready to Surge or Slip? Here’s the Breakdown! 🔍

Key Highlights:
• Price: $0.6252 (+1.26%)
• Market Cap: $321.83M
• 24h Trading Volume: $175.88M
• Circulating Supply: 514.52M / 4B

📈 5 Bullish Targets:
1. Short-term: $0.75
2. Mid-term: $0.88
3. Breakout Potential: $1.10
4. Psychological Level: $1.25
5. ATH Retest: $1.65

📉 5 Bearish Targets:
1. Support Zone: $0.58
2. Critical Level: $0.50
3. Further Decline: $0.45
4. Last Stronghold: $0.30
5. New Lows: $0.20

📊 Technical Insights:
• RSI: Neutral at 61.61, indicating a balanced market with no immediate overbought/oversold conditions.
• Volume Profile: Steady inflows, but recent outflows (-$2.34M) signal cautious sentiment.
• Moving Averages: Trading below the 7-day MA ($0.7674), a breakout above could trigger bullish momentum.

⚡ Factors to Watch:
• Rising Adoption: The utility of $USUAL in real-world asset tokenization could boost its demand.
• Market Recovery: Overall market sentiment improving could push $USUAL higher.
• Volume Surge: Keep an eye on any sharp spikes in buying volume.

Final Takeaway:

$USUAL is showing signs of consolidation. A strong breakout above $0.75 could lead to a significant rally, but downside risks remain near $0.50 if selling pressure increases. Always DYOR and watch the key support/resistance zones closely! 📈💡

#CryptoAnalysis #USUAL
Kkk mas comprar não significa nada… Enfim toda sorte
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