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🚨CZ Co Founder of Binance Will Released From Prison on 29th September 🚨
In a surprising turn of events, Changpeng Zhao, the prominent figure in the cryptocurrency world and CEO of Binance, has been released from prison on September 29. Zhao’s release has sent ripples through the global financial and cryptocurrency communities, raising questions and speculations about the circumstances leading to his imprisonment and his future plans.
Changpeng Zhao, commonly known as CZ, has been a pivotal figure in the cryptocurrency industry. Under his leadership, Binance has grown into one of the largest and most influential cryptocurrency exchanges globally. Zhao’s impact on the crypto market has been substantial, and his company has been at the forefront of numerous innovations in the space.
However, Zhao's journey took an unexpected turn when he was detained earlier this year. Details surrounding his arrest were initially scarce, leading to much speculation about potential charges and legal battles. The news of his release on September 29 comes as a relief to many within the cryptocurrency community who have been following his case closely.
The Legal Situation
While the exact reasons for Zhao's imprisonment were not immediately clear, it is known that legal troubles in the crypto industry often involve regulatory compliance, financial misconduct, or other complex issues. Zhao's release suggests that he may have reached a settlement or resolution with the authorities, though official statements from involved parties have yet to be fully disclosed.
Impact on Binance and the Crypto Market
Zhao’s release is expected to have significant implications for Binance and the broader cryptocurrency market. Binance, which has seen fluctuating fortunes in recent months, may experience renewed stability and confidence from both investors and users. Zhao's leadership has been instrumental in Binance's success, and his return is likely to reinvigorate the company’s strategic initiatives and market positioning.
The crypto market, which often reacts sensitively to news about major figures in the industry, may see increased volatility as stakeholders assess the implications of Zhao’s release. Investors and market participants will be keenly watching for any announcements or strategic changes from Binance in the coming days.
Looking Ahead
As Changpeng Zhao resumes his role at Binance, the focus will likely shift to his future plans and the company’s strategic direction. Zhao’s leadership has been marked by a strong emphasis on innovation and expansion, and it remains to be seen how his experiences over the past months will influence his approach moving forward.
The cryptocurrency community, while cautiously optimistic, will be observing closely to understand the full impact of Zhao’s release. The coming weeks may provide more clarity on the situation, including any potential regulatory changes or business developments related to Binance.
In summary, Changpeng Zhao’s release from prison marks a significant moment for the cryptocurrency industry. As he reclaims his role as a key leader in the space, both Binance and the broader market will likely experience shifts as Zhao and his team navigate the post-release landscape.#CZBİNANCE #USDataImpact #NFPWatch #BNBChainMemecoins
🔥🆓 $DOGS 🤑🤍 Technical analysis suggests that $DOGS’ price could fluctuate between $0.0011 and $0.0012 today. While there may be a slight upward movement in a bullish market, be prepared for potential volatility. 🚀❤️ So, what’s your move on $DOGS? Will you HODL or sell?🙏🇧🇩 - @rononcrypto #DOGSONBINANCE #Write2Earn! #TON {spot}(DOGSUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(TONUSDT)
🔥🆓 $DOGS 🤑🤍

Technical analysis suggests that $DOGS ’ price could fluctuate between $0.0011 and $0.0012 today. While there may be a slight upward movement in a bullish market, be prepared for potential volatility. 🚀❤️

So, what’s your move on $DOGS ? Will you HODL or sell?🙏🇧🇩

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Citovaný obsah bol odstránený
🚨 Breaking: Russian Officials Demand Durov’s Release! 🚨

Deputy Speaker Vladislav Davankov is making waves by urging Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to secure the release of Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder. Davankov believes Durov's arrest might be politically motivated and could be an attempt to compromise user privacy on Telegram. “Such moves could jeopardize personal data and privacy,” Davankov warns. 📱🔒 This development raises serious concerns in the crypto and tech communities about privacy rights and political overreach. Stay tuned for more updates! 🌐💬

#MtGoxRepayments #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS
⚡ Pavel Durov has been arrested in France.

The Telegram founder has been detained by French security services at Paris' Le Bourget airport as he exited his private jet, media reports.

⚡️According to the information of the French TV channel TF1, the founder and CEO of Telegram was detained on Saturday evening at Le Bourget airport. The 39-year-old entrepreneur was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman.

The publication claims that Durov came from Azerbaijan and was put on a federal wanted list. He allegedly had a French search warrant issued by OFMI (Office National de la Police Judiciaire) based on a preliminary investigation.

@CZ has been released from prison but still under custody. He is expected to be released on September 29. #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS [Vote Us Here](
@CZ has been released from prison but still under custody. He is expected to be released on September 29.

Vote Us Here
Binance Announcement
币安新币挖矿和超级赚币上线Toncoin (TON) 项目,使用BNB、FDUSD和TON挖矿TON
币安新币挖矿现已上线第56期项目 - Toncoin (TON),一个去中心化的、开放的 L1 区块链。
用户可以在2024年08月15日08:00(东八区时间)后在 Launchpool网站 将BNB、FDUSD投入到TON挖矿池中获得TON奖励,TON共计可挖矿20天。网站预计将于此公告的大约二十四小时内,挖矿活动开放前更新。
代币名称:Toncoin (TON)代币现总供应量:5,110,422,426 TON挖矿总量:7,650,000 TON研究报告:Toncoin (TON)(研报将于该公告二十四小时内上线)TON浏览器,, tonscan.com限制条款:需KYC个人每小时挖矿硬顶BNB矿池:1,354.68 TONFDUSD矿池:239.06 TON
BNB挖矿池(网站将于此公告二十四小时内,挖矿活动开放前更新):总共可挖矿 6,502,500 TON(占85%)FDUSD挖矿池(网站将于此公告二十四小时内,挖矿活动开放前更新):总共可挖矿1,147,500 TON(占15%)挖矿时间:2024年08月15日08:00(东八区时间)至2024年09月04日07:59(东八区时间)
日期(00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC)每日总额度(TON)BNB日额度(TON)FDUSD日额度(TON)2024-08-15 - 2024-09-03382,500325,12557,375
数字资产周期限时特殊年化收益率*日利率超级赚币代币奖池TON20 天另行公布年化收益率/3651,350,000 TON
* 年化收益率(APR)和日利率(DPR)限时活动是由相关项目提供的代币,仅在活动期间可用,当分配的金额申购完毕时将停止。详情请参阅超级赚币常见问题。
币安将每小时对用户持仓与挖矿池的总持仓数据随机进行多次快照,以计算用户每小时平均持仓并计算挖矿;用户可以随时将挖到的代币(每小时更新奖励数量)领取到现货账户中;每个挖矿池的年化收益与总持仓数据将实时更新;每个挖矿池单独计算年化收益,用户可以将代币灵活分配到对应挖矿池中,但不支持一币多挖;用户可以随时将某个挖矿池中的代币赎回并转移至其它挖矿池;挖矿池中的代币被全部挖完后,参与挖矿的资产以及尚未领取的代币都将自动返回到用户现货账户中;币安BNB收益池和BNB定期产品将支持本期新币挖矿。用户在BNB收益池和BNB定期产品中的BNB将自动参与新币挖矿;当有多个新币挖矿项目同时进行,若无特别说明,用户在BNB收益池和BNB定期产品中的BNB将被平均分配至多个新币挖矿项目;若BNB收益池资产被用作活期借币抵押资产,用户将无法获得新币挖矿收益;Launchpool 獎勵計算將支持幣安 Web3 MPC 錢包中的質押 Lista BNB (slisBNB);转入挖矿池中的BNB仍将享受BNB的标准权益的持仓统计,比如空投、Launchpad持仓统计、VIP权益等;针对目前已在运行中的现货跟单投资组合,用户可以通过【现货跟单设置】-【个人交易对偏好】启用新的交易对;限时特殊年化收益率指:超级赚币的年化收益率奖励。币安保留在活动期间自行调整年化收益率的权利,不再另行通知。于赚币平台申购任何产品前,请参阅赚币平台使用条款;通过“超级赚币”产品所提供的高年化收益率(APR)和日利率(DPR)限时活动是由相关项目提供的代币,仅在活动期间可用,当分配的金额申购完毕时将停止。此高APR和DPR不保证能够长期提供,且可能变动。APR和DPR指以本币单位获得的的加密货币作为奖励的计算方式,并不代表实际或预测的法币或其它加密货币回报。请注意:提供高DPR并不代表对相关项目的认可,亦不构成财务建议。虽然年化利率是按年计算的,但超级赚币的优惠可能不是全年有效。详情请参阅币安使用条款和风险警示。用户能否参与Launchpool将受其所在国家或地区的限制,请以Launchpool页面提示为准。请留意,下文中所列限制国家或地区并不完整,将可能随着当地法规、监管及其它考量因素的变化而更新。用户需完成身份认证(KYC),并且不在下列国家或地区才可以参与此次新币挖矿。目前,居住于以下国家或地区的用户不能参与TON新币挖矿:澳大利亚、加拿大、古巴、克里米亚地区、伊朗、日本、新西兰、荷兰、朝鲜、叙利亚、美利坚合众国及其领土(美属萨摩亚、关岛、波多黎各、北马里亚纳群岛和美属维尔京群岛)、乌克兰任何非政府控制地区。除上述地区外,巴西、香港和英国用户也无法参与超级赚币。受限制国家或地区列表将可能随着法律、监管及其它因素的改变而定期更新。
注:该公告于2024年08月13日更新,以阐明Launchpool 奖励计算将支持币安 Web3 MPC 钱包中的质押 Lista BNB (slisBNB)。
Richard Teng
We don’t talk about it much, but we’re proud of the tech powerhouse we’ve built at #Binance.

210M+ users. Billions in daily trading volume. 24/7 operations. Crypto never sleeps, and neither do we.

Our users deserve only the best. 🤝🏻
Binance Blog
7 Facts About Binance You'd Be Surprised to Know
Main Takeaways Just a few months after its launch, Binance has taken the world by storm as the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, growing at lightning speed. When people think of Binance, they think of cryptocurrency trading and transactions, its flagship products, from Binance Earn to Web3 wallet, and perhaps its memorable campaigns and collaborations.However, Binance is much more than all of that. Here are seven interesting facts about Binance that may not be always obvious to the public.Over the past seven years, Binance has grown from a fledgling startup into a global powerhouse, revolutionizing the way we think about finance, trading, and the future of money. Beyond the headlines and market charts, there are stories and facts that define our uniquely Binancian journey and identity. Here are short descriptions of seven of them. Whether you're a seasoned trader, a crypto enthusiast, or just curious about the buzz, these seven facts will give you a fresh perspective on the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange.  1. Zero to Hero in 165 DaysBinance was launched on 14th of July 2017, and within merely 165 days, Binance became the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world by trading volume.  What has contributed to such explosive growth within a short period of time? According to one of Binance’s co-founders, there were a number of internal and external factors that launched Binance to stardom. Yes, timing and luck were among them, yet more important was Binance’s ability to fill some gaping needs in the crypto market of the day, which was a testament to its visionary founders’ user focus, sharp instinct, and judgment. At that time, the crypto industry had seen several bull and bear markets already, yet there was barely any cryptocurrency exchange that dedicated itself fully to the user experience. Systems were slow and customer service teams were often not responsive enough. Binance decided to do better. From early on, Binance launched an institutional-grade trading engine and a dedicated customer service team, and offered an innovative suite of cryptocurrency products geared to match users’ most immediate needs. During Binance’s first crypto winter, several of its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) projects dropped sharply in prices, and investors asked for the return of their money. The founding team quickly decided to use the company’s treasury to return all investors' funds and buy back the tokens at market prices, even though it dealt a serious blow to the firm’s treasury. This was a commendable move that had never been done by any other crypto exchange before. It showed Binance’s commitment to serve its valued users. This episode became one of the most positive PR narratives in the history of Binance. Along with this positive buzz and the issues that other exchanges faced, users in Asia and elsewhere started migrating to Binance en masse. 2. From 2 to 200 Million Users in 7 YearsBinance attracted over two million users within its first six months of operation. Today, it serves more than 200 million registered users. This continuous growth is proof that Binance had gotten several things right from the get-go. Since day one, Binance has focused on user-centric approach, offering low fees and high liquidity, supporting a wide range of cryptocurrencies, strong security measures, large-scale marketing campaigns (Binance’s affiliate marketing program awards up to 50% commission fees, referral bonuses and promotion), and proactive community engagement by Binance’s leadership on social media. Binance is nimble and adaptive enough to evolve quickly along the ever-changing regulatory landscape of cryptocurrency for the past seven years, as well as continuously innovating with its products and services. 3. Binance Pay Is the Number One Off-Chain Crypto Payment ServiceBinance Pay is a revolutionary payment feature that allows users to send money globally within seconds. With fees starting from zero, Binance Pay is both cost-effective and efficient. This service underscores Binance’s commitment to making financial transactions as seamless and accessible as possible. Binance Pay is an off-chain wallet, but it is now among the top crypto payment methods, along with the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks. Since 2021, Binance Pay’s total volume has crossed $120 billion. 4. SAFU: It Started with BinanceSAFU is an acronym for Secure Asset Fund for Users, the term has become part of the crypto lexicon. Did you know how it came about?In 2018, a creator named Bizonacci uploaded a tongue-in-cheek YouTube music video entitled Funds Are Safu, referencing the ex-Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, or CZ's, now-iconic tweet during unscheduled maintenance at Binance – "Funds are safe" – to come up with the term SAFU.The video became viral, and “SAFU” caught on, echoed by projects large and small following a security incident or any type of uncertainty. To safeguard user funds from security breaches that plagued the cryptocurrency industry at the time, Binance established the Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU) in July 2018.Currently, SAFU holds more than $1 billion in reserve to cover any potential losses in case of a security breach. This initiative not only provides a safety net for users but also instills confidence in the security measures implemented by Binance.Source: Bizonacci’s video.5. Binance Is a Key Player in Protecting the Crypto EcosystemPerhaps it is not always evident to the public, but Binance is continuously aiding regulators and law enforcement agencies in the fight against crypto-related crime.Many times Binance stood at the side of justice in order to bring the greater good to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Binance regularly collaborates with law enforcement agencies worldwide, processing over 62,000 in 2023 alone. This equates to about 170 requests per day or 7 per hour. Also in 2023, in addition to operational assistance, Binance's Law Enforcement Training Program delivered over 120 onsite and online training sessions to law enforcers globally. Meanwhile, by the year’s end, the security team recovered about 55 million USD total in user funds after coordinated efforts. Whenever there is any security breach in the cryptocurrency world, Binance would always be ready to lend a helping hand. For example, recently, on June 22 2024, the Turkish crypto exchange BTC Turk was compromised. Binance’s security team acted swiftly and froze over 5.3 million of funds from that attack. 6. Binance Is Really FastIn an industry where timely support can make a significant difference, Binance leads the market with one of the fastest customer support response times, clocking in at less than one minute. Today, most user requests are picked up within 1 minute and resolved within the first CS chat, representing a dramatic improvement from waiting for hours in the early days of the industry.The Customer Service (CS) team is Binance’s largest department, handling a range of responsibilities from immediate user inquiries, training, quality assurance, real-time user feedback analysis to token recovery. The CS department supports 17 languages and covers dozens of business sectors, ensuring global reach.Binance has developed an advanced AI bot, integrated into the Binance Customer Support Chat, which intelligently provides suggested solutions based on user-provided information. This front-line application of AI significantly expedites issue resolution, resulting in a faster and more efficient response on the first contact. If you look at the speed of Binance’s system, it is also quite impressive: the platform handles up to a whopping 2.58 million user queries per second. User queries are automated signals sent from user browsers or apps to the Binance platform to perform various actions, such as placing an order, posting on Square, or withdrawing funds. These queries operate behind the scenes and are not visible to users. For instance, when you select the option to sell a certain amount of BTC on your interface, your app sends an automated query to Binance's servers. As user activity on the platform increases, Binance continues to upgrade its systems to ensure smooth and efficient operations. This ability to manage a high volume of queries positions Binance at the forefront of the cryptocurrency industry as it rides the global wave of adoption toward the one-billion users mark.7. Binance Pioneered Remote-First CultureYes, believe it or not, in seven years of existence, Binance has supported tens of trillions in trading volume over group chats and online documents! The term “work from home” and “remote-first” became truly popular in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, but even before it began, Binance had pioneered a remote-first culture. Binance sees remote working as one of the manifestations of its core value of freedom. What is impressive to note is that despite growing from 30 members to over 5 000 of employees spread across the globe, Binance keeps its remote mode of operation intact. Today, Binance has a team of thousands of talented employees that collaborate daily across Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific.Hence, Binance is one of the biggest companies in the world that successfully practices a fully remote work culture. It has now become a model for any company that wants to follow in these footsteps. Further ReadingEmpowering the Enforcers: How Binance's Training Program Helps Stamp Out CybercrimeFrom Our CEO: Seven Years at The Frontier of Financial InnovationBinance's Work Culture Explained
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