Testnet V2 Is Here

We’re thrilled to welcome you all back: the last leg of the testnet is now live, meaning it’s almost time to settle the final positions as Prom DAO Delegates.

Get started with Prom with the updated network information:

Website: https://t.co/ggZj4n8iTY

Chain Name: Prom Testnet

RPC URL: https://t.co/E9Y8UJGtGq

Chain ID: 584548796

Token Name: T-PROM

Block Explorer URL: https://t.co/lwsDoZ76FC

Explore Prom Faucet & Request Test Tokens: https://t.co/wHwsqQy98X

Explore Prom Button Game: https://t.co/iHfnPpjcHO

If you’ve missed the details on how Testnet V2 will work, please enter our Medium to get all the details 👇


If you are all geared up, you can proceed with testnet missions straight away 👇


Good luck!