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SOL sold out, sold at 169.5, and it went up after it was sold. It's really a curse.
SOL sold out, sold at 169.5, and it went up after it was sold. It's really a curse.
См. оригинал
519, the anniversary of the bloodbath in the cryptocurrency circle. Is there anyone who experienced 519 calmly like me? I clearly remember that on the night of May 19, 21, I was walking outside with my teammates, watching the cryptocurrency circle plummet, and I was actually calm. I have become accustomed to the surge and plunge, knowing that the more the big pie plummets, the more bubbles it squeezes out, throwing speculators off the car, and the lighter it is, the more it rises. In the future, there will be fewer and fewer such surges and plunges, the big pie will become more mature, and the rise and fall will become more and more moderate. Looking back many years later, the K-line chart is no longer dazzling, everything is the pain of growth. Tomorrow is 519, I hope the market will not be copied and pasted. I wish everyone good fortune and wealth freedom in this bull market. #BTC走势分析
519, the anniversary of the bloodbath in the cryptocurrency circle. Is there anyone who experienced 519 calmly like me?
I clearly remember that on the night of May 19, 21, I was walking outside with my teammates, watching the cryptocurrency circle plummet, and I was actually calm. I have become accustomed to the surge and plunge, knowing that the more the big pie plummets, the more bubbles it squeezes out, throwing speculators off the car, and the lighter it is, the more it rises.
In the future, there will be fewer and fewer such surges and plunges, the big pie will become more mature, and the rise and fall will become more and more moderate.
Looking back many years later, the K-line chart is no longer dazzling, everything is the pain of growth.
Tomorrow is 519, I hope the market will not be copied and pasted.
I wish everyone good fortune and wealth freedom in this bull market.
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Very in-depth article #BTC
Very in-depth article #BTC
It is a basic national policy of all countries in the world to make most citizens have no savings.

No matter how high the nominal salary of a city is, it is all fake.

Whether it is London, New York, Beijing, Shanghai, or any other big city in Hong Kong, its price level will automatically adjust to a level where the bottom workers will have nothing to lose every month after paying for basic living costs such as rent, food, transportation, etc. Whether you have a monthly salary of 8,000 in Shanghai or 3,000 US dollars in New York, the outcome is the same.

We must recognize the essence of social resource allocation.

The middle class and the bottom of society both earn income by selling labor.

The bottom sells hard work, and the middle sells brain power.

It seems simple on the surface for the bottom to become middle class, just study (work) hard.

But in fact, the poor living environment of the bottom has led to short-sightedness and lack of will in some of the bottom, resulting in some of the bottom still being the bottom when they grow up.

The gamblers in ancient times and the people who are too addicted to games in modern times are essentially the same.

Thinking concepts are relatively easy to change, so the bottom and the middle class are fluid.

However, there is an insurmountable gap between the upper class and the lower class, that is, a network of resources and relationships.

Therefore, the upper class is usually a large family with connections throughout all major fields of the country.

The middle class also has a small number of connections, but most of them are only able to protect themselves, and cannot affect the direction of a field or a country.

Back to the topic.

Even if you graduate from a top university and become a senior white-collar worker, you are just the middle class of society, which is what I said, a position that can be achieved through hard work.

But this is also the top of ordinary people.

Going up, you need connections, luck, and constant trial and error.

It requires not only brains, but also luck and a little talent.

The poor should not expect to get rich overnight. They should recognize the reality of the family, integrate family resources, take family progress as the goal, strive for each generation to make progress or at least not regress, and on this basis, through iteration, approach the top of the pyramid of a certain industry generation by generation.

Rich families guard a field, work in an industry for several generations, and then go from 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 10 to 100. Rich families constantly pass on experience, prevent failure, gain more advanced experience and pass it on again. As long as they choose the right heir, the wealth will continue to be passed on.

A poor family, the first generation fried pancakes, the second generation studied and wanted to be an engineer, so the skill of frying pancakes was lost, the second generation was too busy to take care of the children, the children were not close to their father and hated the profession of engineer, so they drew pictures every day to call for family affection, so they became illustrators, but illustrators did not make money and were tired, and they had no time to take care of the children, so the children did not like to draw, and might become tailors. . .

Over and over again, each generation of the poor family chooses freedom and follows their own inner choices. Each generation goes from 0 to 1, and has entry-level experience in many industries, but it can never be passed on. When they were young, they forced their children to learn and grow up, but let their children be free. So the children have no inheritance experience, and the family has not grown.

The rich are the opposite. When you go to school, you are given freedom to do whatever you want and support you. When you grow up and have to work, you come back to help the family and prepare to inherit the family business. If you don’t like it, you can learn slowly. If you don’t like it, you can’t deprive your children of the right to like it in the future. You are just a member of the family responsible for inheritance. Whether you can carry it forward depends on the current situation rather than personal efforts.

This is the most realistic approach. The essential difference between the poor and the rich is the experience of success. The rich have experience of success, the poor have no experience.

According to my observation, all the big guys around me who started from scratch and are worth over 100 million are all cunning, saying words that can make you feel like spring breeze, and doing things that make you shudder.

I believe that as a human being, no one is born to be an ordinary person who is inferior to others in every way. Everyone wants to be the person at the top of the pyramid, make a lot of money, and do big things.

When I have nothing to do, I especially like to watch Animal World, followed by war documentaries.

Because these are real combats with real swords and guns, without any performance elements.

The strong can plunder the weak unscrupulously by force and intelligence.

The rule is: the strong prey on the weak, and the fittest survive.

There is no emotional or moral element in it.

Although the real world seems to be full of human touch, in my opinion, these are all superficial.

Because the rich have never stopped plundering the poor.

This is why “the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak” is an unchanging truth since ancient times.

People living in the world are essentially the same as animals living in the jungle: the strong eat the weak, and the big eat the small. It's just that humans are good at packaging themselves and putting on a civilized coat, making human society look less naked.

We must remember one sentence: the law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak is everywhere on this earth. There are only two kinds of people in society: one is a wolf, and the other is a sheep. You are either a wolf, who can eat people; or a sheep, who sits and waits to be eaten.

The survival logic of the wolf is how to eat sheep elegantly; and the only survival logic of the sheep is to become a wolf! There is a saying: evil cannot defeat justice. This sentence does not mean that evil can never defeat justice, but that once evil defeats justice, it becomes justice itself.

In human society, 99% of people are sheep, and their fate is to be eaten, or to be eaten (harvested) in disguise. Such people can also be called "leeks".

Why is the fate of 99% of people to be harvested?

Because 99% of the people in the world are "lost lambs", they all live in illusions and can never see the real world, because the truth is often complicated and cruel. A person who does not have enough courage and wisdom would rather escape the truth than face it. So these people would rather indulge in fantasy and indulge in temporary pleasure, and never get tired of it.

This is the mob, also called giant baby.

Only 1% of the people in the world can see the truth, because they have enough courage to face the reality of the world, enough courage to face the evil of human nature, and enough mind to accept the injustice of the world. The truth is always in the hands of these very few people, and these people are the masters of the world!

Therefore, this 1% of people can manipulate the 99% of people at will. #Megadrop #5月市场关键事件
См. оригинал
I ran at PEPE1042! Actually, I ran too slowly, and my profit was much less. Last time I ran, my profit dropped a lot. I need to repeatedly train myself to "run fast".
I ran at PEPE1042! Actually, I ran too slowly, and my profit was much less. Last time I ran, my profit dropped a lot.
I need to repeatedly train myself to "run fast".
См. оригинал
Is this called an independent market? 5 days ago it rose alone, and now it falls alone. #pepe回调
Is this called an independent market? 5 days ago it rose alone, and now it falls alone. #pepe回调
См. оригинал
Tonight, another 0 was removed, and PEPE went crazy! I added positions at 6 o'clock, and then it kept going up, and there was no chance to add positions again. I didn't expect that a 0 would be removed so quickly. #PEPE潜力
Tonight, another 0 was removed, and PEPE went crazy!
I added positions at 6 o'clock, and then it kept going up, and there was no chance to add positions again. I didn't expect that a 0 would be removed so quickly.
См. оригинал
PYTH has fallen to 💩, and the trading volume has fallen below $10 million. In addition, the trading volumes of these coins have shrunk sharply. Is it going to return to zero? It’s too early to buy the bottom. It’s hanging on the mountainside. If you bought at 0.48, should you sell at a loss or grit your teeth and hold on?
PYTH has fallen to 💩, and the trading volume has fallen below $10 million. In addition, the trading volumes of these coins have shrunk sharply. Is it going to return to zero?
It’s too early to buy the bottom. It’s hanging on the mountainside. If you bought at 0.48, should you sell at a loss or grit your teeth and hold on?
См. оригинал
Wang Xing of Meituan bought Bitcoin in 2013. A big boss is a big boss. His level of cognition and execution are far beyond ordinary people. #BTC
Wang Xing of Meituan bought Bitcoin in 2013. A big boss is a big boss. His level of cognition and execution are far beyond ordinary people.
См. оригинал
I constantly reflect and adjust my asset holdings to form my own investment logic and trading system. Under the premise that 98% of the positions of Bitcoin remain unchanged, I re-planned the altcoins. Based on the principle of buying new rather than old, I have sold 1,000 Polkadot DOTs. Next, I will gradually clean up some of the 15 altcoins that I bought before, and hold the following coins: PEPE and other MEME coins, SOL, The new leading coin in the artificial intelligence sector, Prepare to buy BNB, and hope to become a mini shareholder of Binance in the future. The total holding of altcoins does not exceed 5 coins. Patiently wait for the opportunity to buy when the market plummets. Even for altcoins, we must pursue certain returns. MEME coins make money and should be exchanged for hard-core assets such as Bitcoin or BNB. #BTC #BNB币 #PEPE✈️
I constantly reflect and adjust my asset holdings to form my own investment logic and trading system.
Under the premise that 98% of the positions of Bitcoin remain unchanged, I re-planned the altcoins. Based on the principle of buying new rather than old, I have sold 1,000 Polkadot DOTs. Next, I will gradually clean up some of the 15 altcoins that I bought before, and hold the following coins:
PEPE and other MEME coins,
The new leading coin in the artificial intelligence sector,
Prepare to buy BNB, and hope to become a mini shareholder of Binance in the future.
The total holding of altcoins does not exceed 5 coins. Patiently wait for the opportunity to buy when the market plummets.
Even for altcoins, we must pursue certain returns. MEME coins make money and should be exchanged for hard-core assets such as Bitcoin or BNB.
См. оригинал
Let me tell you about the trading strategies of my two girlfriends, which are smart and agile. I have a girlfriend who is going to leave her big cake to her son. She uses altcoins to make a swing every day, and she is very happy with a few hundred U of income. Another girlfriend born in the 1990s invests in funds. As long as it rises by 10%, she will sell it. Then she will wait patiently for the fund to fall again, buy it again, and sell it again when it reaches 10% of the income. After doing it back and forth several times, the income is very good. I plan to re-consolidate my 15 altcoins and focus on a few altcoins. That's it. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Let me tell you about the trading strategies of my two girlfriends, which are smart and agile. I have a girlfriend who is going to leave her big cake to her son. She uses altcoins to make a swing every day, and she is very happy with a few hundred U of income.
Another girlfriend born in the 1990s invests in funds. As long as it rises by 10%, she will sell it. Then she will wait patiently for the fund to fall again, buy it again, and sell it again when it reaches 10% of the income. After doing it back and forth several times, the income is very good.
I plan to re-consolidate my 15 altcoins and focus on a few altcoins. That's it.
См. оригинал
The safest and most certain way to make money in the cryptocurrency world is to hoard coins and make money in the long term. I entered the circle after the halving in 2020, keeping in mind the principle of taking long-term and staying away from contract leverage. In the last bull market, I went from A6 to A7. I didn't withdraw money even though the bear market plummeted by millions, and of course I reflected on not taking profits in time. But in terms of the coin standard, the coin is still there, and it has risen again when the bull market came, although it was quite frustrating in the middle. I hope I can get to A8 this time. #BTC
The safest and most certain way to make money in the cryptocurrency world is to hoard coins and make money in the long term.
I entered the circle after the halving in 2020, keeping in mind the principle of taking long-term and staying away from contract leverage. In the last bull market, I went from A6 to A7. I didn't withdraw money even though the bear market plummeted by millions, and of course I reflected on not taking profits in time. But in terms of the coin standard, the coin is still there, and it has risen again when the bull market came, although it was quite frustrating in the middle.
I hope I can get to A8 this time.
См. оригинал
This wave of plunge has retraced 7 figures, and I still hold the spot of big cake. It hurts more to cut meat with a blunt knife! Brothers, are your positions still there? Is your wallet okay? #BTC🌪️
This wave of plunge has retraced 7 figures, and I still hold the spot of big cake. It hurts more to cut meat with a blunt knife! Brothers, are your positions still there? Is your wallet okay? #BTC🌪️
См. оригинал
Let me tell you about my blood and tears of losing money in altcoins. I have gone through a complete bull and bear market, but my altcoins have not yet recovered, and they are still at the level of halving the principal. Thinking about it makes me cry. The person who brought me into the currency circle warned me: only buy Bitcoin, don’t touch altcoins, don’t do contracts, and hold them for at least ten or eight years, and it’s best to hold them for 20 years. I bought Yitai half a year after I bought Bitcoin. A few months later, I bought the so-called value coins at the suggestion of another person. Now I know that except Bitcoin, they are all altcoins. At the peak of the last bull market, my more than 700 Polkadots reached a maximum of 270,000, and then fell to 20,000. I experienced Fil’s 5 times in a month, but I pledged it for mining, and it was just a busy time in the account, and I didn’t sell it in time. I bought UNI worth more than 40,000 yuan at the suggestion of a big V. When it fell to more than 12,000 yuan, another friend fooled me into investing, so I sold UNI and transferred 2,200 dollars to him. Then there was no news for a year. Last year, I repeatedly asked the other party and kept dragging it out. Finally, I threatened him in anger and got the money back. Leeks have a hard time. My altcoins have not recovered so far. All kinds of coins with exaggerated technology are like shit when they plummet, which is disgusting. In order to recover my investment, I am going to become a gambler this time. I have a lot of altcoins and bought 15 altcoins at most. After the plummet, they fell back to their original shape. Fortunately, I moved altcoins randomly, but never moved big coins. I plan to concentrate on hoarding big coins in the future, with a position of 98%. Then I will invest in the leading coins of the MEME sector with a small amount of funds, and I will not buy other coins with exaggerated technology. Brothers, have you recovered your altcoins? Has anyone made a fortune by investing in altcoins? Come out and share your experience. #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Let me tell you about my blood and tears of losing money in altcoins. I have gone through a complete bull and bear market, but my altcoins have not yet recovered, and they are still at the level of halving the principal. Thinking about it makes me cry.
The person who brought me into the currency circle warned me: only buy Bitcoin, don’t touch altcoins, don’t do contracts, and hold them for at least ten or eight years, and it’s best to hold them for 20 years.
I bought Yitai half a year after I bought Bitcoin. A few months later, I bought the so-called value coins at the suggestion of another person. Now I know that except Bitcoin, they are all altcoins.
At the peak of the last bull market, my more than 700 Polkadots reached a maximum of 270,000, and then fell to 20,000. I experienced Fil’s 5 times in a month, but I pledged it for mining, and it was just a busy time in the account, and I didn’t sell it in time.
I bought UNI worth more than 40,000 yuan at the suggestion of a big V. When it fell to more than 12,000 yuan, another friend fooled me into investing, so I sold UNI and transferred 2,200 dollars to him. Then there was no news for a year. Last year, I repeatedly asked the other party and kept dragging it out. Finally, I threatened him in anger and got the money back.
Leeks have a hard time. My altcoins have not recovered so far. All kinds of coins with exaggerated technology are like shit when they plummet, which is disgusting.
In order to recover my investment, I am going to become a gambler this time. I have a lot of altcoins and bought 15 altcoins at most. After the plummet, they fell back to their original shape. Fortunately, I moved altcoins randomly, but never moved big coins.
I plan to concentrate on hoarding big coins in the future, with a position of 98%. Then I will invest in the leading coins of the MEME sector with a small amount of funds, and I will not buy other coins with exaggerated technology.
Brothers, have you recovered your altcoins? Has anyone made a fortune by investing in altcoins? Come out and share your experience.
См. оригинал
#PEPE✈️ I have a heavy position in PEPE! In this bull market, I don't care about technology or anything else. Emotion and consensus can drive the price of the currency. I will bet on PEPE. As long as more than 95% of the positions of the big cake do not move, I will bet on the altcoin. In the last bull market, I held DOT tightly. Everyone said that its team had great technology, but the price of the currency was not competitive. It was even lower than the useless FIL at one point. What a joke! All my 1,000 Polkadots have been sold. Today, I bought the bottom of PEPE on the mountainside. I bought it at 66 and 60. I also bought 77 and 69 before. Just on January 31, I lamented that PEPE was going to return to zero. At that time, there were 6 zeros in front and 93 in the back. It was a pity that I didn't buy the bottom. It soared several times in March. Now PEPE is still falling, and there is still some bullet. I don't know if I should buy the bottom? Brothers, where is the bottom?
#PEPE✈️ I have a heavy position in PEPE! In this bull market, I don't care about technology or anything else. Emotion and consensus can drive the price of the currency. I will bet on PEPE. As long as more than 95% of the positions of the big cake do not move, I will bet on the altcoin.
In the last bull market, I held DOT tightly. Everyone said that its team had great technology, but the price of the currency was not competitive. It was even lower than the useless FIL at one point. What a joke!
All my 1,000 Polkadots have been sold. Today, I bought the bottom of PEPE on the mountainside. I bought it at 66 and 60. I also bought 77 and 69 before. Just on January 31, I lamented that PEPE was going to return to zero. At that time, there were 6 zeros in front and 93 in the back. It was a pity that I didn't buy the bottom. It soared several times in March.
Now PEPE is still falling, and there is still some bullet. I don't know if I should buy the bottom? Brothers, where is the bottom?
См. оригинал
Good news! CZ was only sentenced to 4 months in prison! This is a good result beyond expectations. I hope CZ will make a comeback soon like Dabing. Haha! This picture has a secret, 4 months!
Good news! CZ was only sentenced to 4 months in prison!
This is a good result beyond expectations. I hope CZ will make a comeback soon like Dabing.
Haha! This picture has a secret, 4 months!
См. оригинал
Sol bought it at the mountainside this morning. Alas! I bought it at 136, and it has dropped by almost 10 dollars. #SOL
Sol bought it at the mountainside this morning. Alas! I bought it at 136, and it has dropped by almost 10 dollars.
См. оригинал
A historic moment! Let's take a look at the Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today (April 30). What do you think of the prospects? #BTC #ETH
A historic moment! Let's take a look at the Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today (April 30).
What do you think of the prospects? #BTC #ETH
См. оригинал
Walking steadily on the road from A6 to A8, let's talk about the determination of the coin hoarding party. It is said that men are very gamblers and can't control their hands. They always want to do contracts and finally blow up their positions. How can such a restless person look like he is getting rich? In September 21, I visited a friend who was worth tens of millions. He later said that I looked at the exchange market many times in the afternoon, which made me a little embarrassed. However, what he didn't know was that since I bought a big cake on the first day of entering the currency circle at the end of May 2020, I only bought in and never sold it. Like a Pixiu, I only entered and never exited, and I didn't do contracts or mess around. By 21, I had gone from A6 to A7. Still didn't move around. From 22 to now, I haven't invested a penny in the currency circle. I just hoarded big cake steadily. I will check the market many times a day, just to see, never operate big cake randomly, and only mess around with 2% of the altcoins. Because it hasn't paid back yet. Buying altcoins is also bad luck. The original capital was enough to buy a big coin. My big coin has increased five or six times, but the copycat has not yet recovered the capital. Come on Bitcoin, this bull market will take me to A8. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Walking steadily on the road from A6 to A8, let's talk about the determination of the coin hoarding party.
It is said that men are very gamblers and can't control their hands. They always want to do contracts and finally blow up their positions. How can such a restless person look like he is getting rich?
In September 21, I visited a friend who was worth tens of millions. He later said that I looked at the exchange market many times in the afternoon, which made me a little embarrassed. However, what he didn't know was that since I bought a big cake on the first day of entering the currency circle at the end of May 2020, I only bought in and never sold it. Like a Pixiu, I only entered and never exited, and I didn't do contracts or mess around. By 21, I had gone from A6 to A7. Still didn't move around.
From 22 to now, I haven't invested a penny in the currency circle. I just hoarded big cake steadily. I will check the market many times a day, just to see, never operate big cake randomly, and only mess around with 2% of the altcoins. Because it hasn't paid back yet. Buying altcoins is also bad luck. The original capital was enough to buy a big coin. My big coin has increased five or six times, but the copycat has not yet recovered the capital.
Come on Bitcoin, this bull market will take me to A8.
См. оригинал
Let me tell you a cruel reality: I entered the cryptocurrency circle at the end of May after the halving in 2020, and bought in succession from 2020 to 2021. After the bear market turned in early 2022, I exchanged my concubine for Bitcoin and hoarded it. During the deep bear market, it was cut in half and cut in half again, but it never moved. It started to rise in March 2023, and it has increased five or six times so far. But the altcoins have not recovered their investment so far. I heavily invested in DOT, the so-called value coin, but it is useless. Recently, I adjusted my strategy and no longer looked at all kinds of dazzling value coins. If the coin price is not good, no matter how good the technology is, it is shit. We are here to make money, not to see which mining technology is strong. So I started to heavily invest in PEPE, emotions and consensus are far better than technology. One emotion is overwhelmed, and the other is a violent pull, which is the money-making result I want. PEPE, I once spent more than 2,000 yuan to buy more than 200 million, up to 6 times, and sold it when it fell to 4 times, and exchanged it for Bitcoin. Now I buy it again and heavily invest. Haha, I say I have a heavy position, but actually my Bitcoin position is 98%, and my altcoin position is 2%. I don’t have much money in PEPE. I mainly focus on the stability of Bitcoin, and I can play around with altcoins. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Let me tell you a cruel reality: I entered the cryptocurrency circle at the end of May after the halving in 2020, and bought in succession from 2020 to 2021. After the bear market turned in early 2022, I exchanged my concubine for Bitcoin and hoarded it. During the deep bear market, it was cut in half and cut in half again, but it never moved. It started to rise in March 2023, and it has increased five or six times so far.
But the altcoins have not recovered their investment so far. I heavily invested in DOT, the so-called value coin, but it is useless.
Recently, I adjusted my strategy and no longer looked at all kinds of dazzling value coins. If the coin price is not good, no matter how good the technology is, it is shit. We are here to make money, not to see which mining technology is strong.
So I started to heavily invest in PEPE, emotions and consensus are far better than technology. One emotion is overwhelmed, and the other is a violent pull, which is the money-making result I want.
PEPE, I once spent more than 2,000 yuan to buy more than 200 million, up to 6 times, and sold it when it fell to 4 times, and exchanged it for Bitcoin. Now I buy it again and heavily invest. Haha, I say I have a heavy position, but actually my Bitcoin position is 98%, and my altcoin position is 2%. I don’t have much money in PEPE. I mainly focus on the stability of Bitcoin, and I can play around with altcoins.
См. оригинал
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Daily life of the coin hoarders, making money without doing anything. Contracts are busy, making money is just a process, wealth is only temporary, and the result is a liquidation and zeroing out. In the end, it is all in vain. Only by hoarding coins, you can make money in the four-year bull-bear cycle, which is enough! Why do you have to work hard all day long to do various diligent operations? In the currency circle, the more diligent you are, the faster you die, and the more you operate, the more money you lose. In the currency circle, you should learn from the thousand-year-old turtle, and living long is the kingly way. Buy the right coins, don't toss, don't do contracts, don't use leverage, stay away from noisy big Vs who lead orders, maintain independent thinking and judgment, and be responsible for your own investment. Get enough bull and bear markets to achieve wealth freedom.
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Daily life of the coin hoarders, making money without doing anything.
Contracts are busy, making money is just a process, wealth is only temporary, and the result is a liquidation and zeroing out. In the end, it is all in vain.
Only by hoarding coins, you can make money in the four-year bull-bear cycle, which is enough! Why do you have to work hard all day long to do various diligent operations?
In the currency circle, the more diligent you are, the faster you die, and the more you operate, the more money you lose.
In the currency circle, you should learn from the thousand-year-old turtle, and living long is the kingly way.
Buy the right coins, don't toss, don't do contracts, don't use leverage, stay away from noisy big Vs who lead orders, maintain independent thinking and judgment, and be responsible for your own investment. Get enough bull and bear markets to achieve wealth freedom.
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