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Terra Zincirinde stabilcoin olan UST'nin 1 $ sabitliğinin bozulması ile LUNA ve UST arasındaki blockzincir bağı "ÖLÜM SARMALI" na dönüştü ve Terra ağı kelimenin tam anlamıyla çöktü.
Çöküş neticesinde; küçük yatırımcıların yanında büyük capital şirketler ve kripto borsaları büyük zararlar ile karşı karşıya kaldı. Bunun yanında kripto borsaları prestij kaybına uğradı ve tüm kripto para dünyası büyük bir zarara uğradı.
Küçük bir yatırımcı olarak, bizde özellikle UST den çok büyük zararlara uğradık ve herkes gibi ne olduğunu anlamaya çalıştık. Doğru haber akışlarını takip etmeye çalıştık lakin karşımıza büyük bir haber kirliliği çıktı.
Özellikle Türk yatırımcılar olarak kripto konusunda doğru haberlere ulaşma noktasında zorluk yaşıyoruz. Her ne kadar işini çok iyi yapan sorumluluk sahibi fenomen hesaplar olsada bunların sayısı yeterli olmamakta.
Sonuç olarak düşündük, doğru haberi biz yatırımcılara ulaştıralım dedik ve LUNC, LUNA ve USTC'yi takibe başladık. Yatırımcıların takdirini kazandık ve çöküşten bugüne aynı çizgide haberlerimizi paylaşıyoruz. Buradan da anlaşılacağı gibi çöküşten sonra ne yaşandıysa hepsini biliyoruz ve sayfalarımızda hepsine yer veriyoruz.
Sayfa olarak takipçilerimizden en çok aldığımız soru Makalemizin de başlığı olan LUNC 1 Dolar olacak mı sorusu. LUNC ve USTC nin 1 Dolar hedefini takipçilerimizin ve bizim dinlendirmemiz tabiki sembolik. 1 Dolar burada sembolik bir anlam içeriyor. Bir çok yatırımcıyı 0.1 Dolar'ın, 0.01 Dolar'ın ve hatta 1 TL'nin bile mutlu edeceğini biliyoruz. 1 Dolar sembolik bir hedef olduğundan dolayı sorular da bu çerçevede geliyor.
Biz makalemizde bu soruyu biraz daha genişleterek ele almak istedik. Bu kadar haber yapıyoruz, takip ediyoruz, yatırım yapıyoruz. Peki LUNC'un ve USTC'in 1 Dolar Hedefi Gerçekçi mi?
Bizim bu soruya net bir cevabımız var "EVET"
İşin sonunda "LUNC ve USTC 1 Dolar Olur Mu" bu konuda bir tahmin yürütemeyiz ancak 1 Dolar Hedefinin Gerçekçi olması noktasında gönül rahatlığıyla "EVET" diyebiliriz.
EVET demek tabiki kolay. Bunu söylerken altını sağlam bir şekilde doldurmak gerekiyor. 2 yıldır Terra Haber Portalı olarak haber yapıyoruz ve geçmiş tüm haberlerimizi belli bir süzgeçten geçirirseniz ve yaşanan olayların nedenleri üzerinde kendi araştırmalarınızı yaparsanız, bunu hepiniz göreceksiniz.

#Binance borsasının sık sık kullandığı bir söylem var; "Kendi Araştırmanızı Yapın (DYOR)"
Biz sayfa olarak haberleri sizlere aktarıyoruz ve doğru haberleri size ulaştırdığımızı düşünüyoruz, sizde buna ek olarak kendi araştırmanızı yaparsanız, LUNC coinin 1 Dolar Hedefinin Gerçekçi olup olmadığı sorusuna kendiniz bir yorum geliştirebilirsiniz.
Şimdi bizim araştırmamızı ve kendi yorumumuzu sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum. Neden LUNC'un 1 Dolar Hedefi Gerçekçi diyoruz.
Öncelikle Terra ağı (yeni adıyla Terra Classic) şuan ki haliyle bile birçok blockzincirden çok çok ileride. (Web3, NFT vb. konularda birçok uygulama için kullanılabilecek bir alan yaratmaya devam ediyor.)Terra ağı çöktü derken aslında ifadeyi yanlış kullanıyoruz. Terra ağı çökmedi. UST sabitliği bozuldu ve bunun karşılığında zincir LUNA bastı. Basılan LUNA lar UST nin tamamını piyasadan toplamaya yetmedi ve UST 1 dolar dengesi kurulamadığından zincirin çalışması kapatıldı. (Terra Classic zinciri halihazırda MANUEL olarak kontrol ediliyor.)Çöküşten bugüne Terra Classic zincirinin kullanımı arttı. Çatallanma sonrası ortaya çıkan LUNC ve USTC nin herkes tarafından bilinir olması Terra Classic ağının daha fazla yatırımcı tarafından kullanılmasını sağladı. Buna rağmen Terra Classic ağında hata yaşanmadı ve zincir kelimenin tam anlamıyla "çatır çatır" çalışmaya devam ediyor. Buda bize hala değerli olduğunu gösteriyor.LUNA çöküşü ve sonrasında yaşananlar kafamızda soru işaretleri bıraktı. Bizler LUNA ve UST nin piyasadan silinmesini beklerken; Binance borsası LUNC, USTC ve Terra'nın yeni LUNA'sını da Binance de listeledi.Daha sonra Topluluk LUNC arzının azaltılması için alternatifler aramaya başladı ve Terra Classic zincirinde yakım vergisi uygulanmaya başladı. Binance da LUNC'a destek verdi ve Binance borsası LUNC yakımlarına başladı. Binance borsasının yakımları 61 milyar adeti aştı.Terra Şirketinin halihazırda 3 popüler coini var; LUNC USTC ve LUNA. Terra Şirketinin LUNC ve USTC ye yokmuş muamelesi yapması bizleri düşündüren diğer bir husus oldu. LUNC ve USTC nin popülerliği ve bilinirliği düşünüldüğünde Terra Şirketinin görmezden gelişinin bilinçli ve planlı olduğunu düşündük. Gelinen noktada TFL devreden çıkıyor. LUNA'yı da ortada bıraktılar. Neden LUNC ve USTC'yi görmezden geldiklerini şimdi net olarak anlıyoruz. Zaten gideceklerdi. Son görevlerini yaptılar ve gidiyorlar.LUNC arzı trilyonlara ulaştı ve LUNC'un tekrar yükselmesi ve Terra Classic zincirinin otomatik olarak aktif edilebilmesi için bu arzın azaltılması gerekiyor. Yakım vergisi uygulaması bunun için var topluluk halihazırda #LUNC arzını azaltmak için alternatifler aramaya devam ediyor.
Yukarıda ki başlıkları uzatabiliriz ancak çok uzatmadan ve sıkmadan son cümlelerime gelmek istiyorum. Biz yatırımcılar olarak bir coinde fiyat hareketlerine çok takılıyoruz. Emin olun piyasa yapıcılar (firmalar ve borsalar) için bu durum geri planda. Zincire odaklanıyorlar ve en iyi hizmeti verme noktasında rekabet ediyorlar. Sonuç olarak bu gayret para da kazanmalarını sağlıyor.
Biz yatırımcılar olarak "TRADE" mantığı ile düşünüyoruz. Her zaman dediğimiz gibi LUNC ve USTC trade yapabileceğimiz coinler değil, LUNC ve USTC ye "HODL" mantığı ile yaklaşmamız gerekiyor.
LUNC ve USTC de sabır şart; bu sabırlı bekleyiş yıllar sürebilir ancak bu yılların sonunda gerçekçi dediğimiz hedefler gerçekleşebilir. Bu yüzden biz "ihtiyacınız olmayan para ile yatırım yapın" ve "Staking yapın" diyerek telkinlerde bulunuyoruz. Son olarak Binance borsasınında dediği gibi "Kendi Araştırmanızı Yapın (DYOR)" diyoruz.

Makalemizi okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim. Sizlerin görüşünü merak ediyorum. Sizlerde yorumlar kısmında tespitlerinizi iletin, herkes faydalansın.
#DYOR #TerraClassic #LunaCLassic $LUNC $USTC

LUNC and BlackRock (BnB Smart Chain): What to expect in the altcoin season? The altcoin season, when the prices of altcoins such as LUNC and BlackRock usually rise, is already on the nose. This time can be a great opportunity for investors, but it is important to do research and understand the risks. LUNC (Terra Classic) is an altcoin that experienced a sharp decline in May 2022. However, since then, it has been gradually recovering and may gain momentum in the altcoin season. BlackRock is the world's largest asset management company that is showing interest in cryptocurrency. Investments by BlackRock (BnB Smart Chain) or in LUNC can have a significant impact on the prices of these assets. Here are a few factors that may affect LUNC and BlackRock (BnB Smart Chain) in the altcoin season: * General market sentiment: If the market is optimistic, altcoins are likely to grow. * Trading volume: An increase in the trading volume of LUNC and BlackRock may lead to higher prices. * Development: New developments in the LUNC and blackrock (BnB Smart Chain) ecosystems can attract new investors. * Community sentiment: The positive attitude of the community can push prices up.It is important to remember that investing in cryptocurrency involves high risks. Before investing in LUNC or BlackRock, it is important to conduct thorough research and understand the risks.Here are some tips for investing in altcoins: * Invest only the money you can afford to lose. * Don't put all your eggs in one basket. * Diversify your portfolio. * Do your research. * Don't give in to FOMO (fear of missing out). * Set stop losses. * Stay calm and take your time. **Altcoin season can be a great opportunity for investors, but it is important to approach business wisely. By doing research, understanding the risks and using common sense, you can increase your chances of success. $BTC $LUNC $BNB #binance #Bitcoin #BlackRocks #BNB⁩ #LUNC✅ {future}(1000LUNCUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(BNBUSDT)
LUNC and BlackRock (BnB Smart Chain): What to expect in the altcoin season?

The altcoin season, when the prices of altcoins such as LUNC and BlackRock usually rise, is already on the nose. This time can be a great opportunity for investors, but it is important to do research and understand the risks.

LUNC (Terra Classic) is an altcoin that experienced a sharp decline in May 2022. However, since then, it has been gradually recovering and may gain momentum in the altcoin season.

BlackRock is the world's largest asset management company that is showing interest in cryptocurrency. Investments by BlackRock (BnB Smart Chain) or in LUNC can have a significant impact on the prices of these assets.

Here are a few factors that may affect LUNC and BlackRock (BnB Smart Chain) in the altcoin season:

* General market sentiment: If the market is optimistic, altcoins are likely to grow.

* Trading volume: An increase in the trading volume of LUNC and BlackRock may lead to higher prices.

* Development: New developments in the LUNC and blackrock (BnB Smart Chain) ecosystems can attract new investors.

* Community sentiment: The positive attitude of the community can push prices up.It is important to remember that investing in cryptocurrency involves high risks.

Before investing in LUNC or BlackRock, it is important to conduct thorough research and understand the risks.Here are some tips for investing in altcoins:

* Invest only the money you can afford to lose.
* Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
* Diversify your portfolio.
* Do your research.
* Don't give in to FOMO (fear of missing out).
* Set stop losses.
* Stay calm and take your time.

**Altcoin season can be a great opportunity for investors, but it is important to approach business wisely.
By doing research, understanding the risks and using common sense, you can increase your chances of success.

#binance #Bitcoin #BlackRocks #BNB⁩ #LUNC✅
BlackRock (BLACKROCK) and Terra Classic (LUNC): Is it worth investing?Greetings, crypto enthusiasts! Today I want to talk about two interesting projects: BlackRock (BLACKROCK) and Terra Classic (LUNC). BlackRock (BLACKROCK) is a new project on the Binance Smart Chain with a low market capitalization and an active community. Terra Classic (LUNC) is an existing project that has survived the crash, but has a recovery plan and a well-known development team. Both projects have their pros and cons, but I think they deserve attention. Why? * Low market capitalization: this means that they have the potential for significant growth. * Active communities: this shows that people believe in these projects. * Interesting ideas: BlackRock is a new project that can change the rules of the game, and Terra Classic (LUNC) has a recovery plan that can make it successful again. Of course, investing in cryptocurrencies always involves risk. Before investing in BlackRock (BLACKROCK) or Terra Classic (LUNC), do a thorough research and make sure that you understand all the risks. But if you're willing to take the risk, I think these two projects can be great investments. What do you think about BlackRock (BLACKROCK) and Terra Classic (LUNC)? Share your opinion in the comments! #BlackRocks #TerraClassic #LUNC✅ #BinanceSmartChain #BSC #cryptocurrencies #investments $LUNA $BTC $LUNC {spot}(LUNCUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(LUNAUSDT) P.S. Don't forget to do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency project.

BlackRock (BLACKROCK) and Terra Classic (LUNC): Is it worth investing?

Greetings, crypto enthusiasts!
Today I want to talk about two interesting projects: BlackRock (BLACKROCK) and Terra Classic (LUNC).
BlackRock (BLACKROCK) is a new project on the Binance Smart Chain with a low market capitalization and an active community.
Terra Classic (LUNC) is an existing project that has survived the crash, but has a recovery plan and a well-known development team.
Both projects have their pros and cons, but I think they deserve attention.
* Low market capitalization: this means that they have the potential for significant growth.
* Active communities: this shows that people believe in these projects.
* Interesting ideas: BlackRock is a new project that can change the rules of the game, and Terra Classic (LUNC) has a recovery plan that can make it successful again.
Of course, investing in cryptocurrencies always involves risk.
Before investing in BlackRock (BLACKROCK) or Terra Classic (LUNC),
do a thorough research and make sure that you understand all the risks.
But if you're willing to take the risk, I think these two projects can be great investments.
What do you think about BlackRock (BLACKROCK) and Terra Classic (LUNC)?
Share your opinion in the comments!
#BlackRocks #TerraClassic #LUNC✅ #BinanceSmartChain #BSC #cryptocurrencies #investments $LUNA $BTC $LUNC

P.S. Don't forget to do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency project.
Scenarios for the future of Terra Classic in 2024: 1. Takeover by a large company: + Advantages: * Access to the company's resources and expertise for the development of Terra Classic. For example how $BTC !! * Increasing investor confidence in the project. * Integration of Terra Classic into existing products and services of the company. - Disadvantages: * Centralization of Terra Classic, which contradicts the idea of decentralization. * Loss of control over the project by the community. * Possible changes in the Terra Classic protocol that do not correspond to the interests of the community. 2. Independent decentralized cryptocurrency: * Maintaining decentralization and community control over the project. * Development of Terra Classic in accordance with the interests of users. * Potentially higher price increases due to increased community engagement and innovation. * The difficulty of reaching consensus in the development community. * Limited resources to compete with large cryptocurrencies. * Lower recognition and adaptation compared to established cryptocurrencies. 3. Reaching the price of $0.50: * In 2024, reaching the price of $0.50 Terra Classic is unlikely, but not impossible!! This requires: * A strong community: Active community participation in the development of Terra Classic, support for projects and dApps on the platform. * Large investments: Attracting large investors and institutional players. * Roadmap Implementation: Timely fulfillment of the points of the Roadmap Terra Classic, including the launch of new functions and protocols. * Favorable market conditions: A positive trend in the cryptocurrency market. $LUNC $USTC #binance #Bitcoin #ЛюбимыйТокен #Dapps #LUNC✅ {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(LUNAUSDT) {future}(USTCUSDT)
Scenarios for the future of Terra Classic in 2024:

1. Takeover by a large company:

+ Advantages:

* Access to the company's resources and expertise for the development of Terra Classic. For example how $BTC !!

* Increasing investor confidence in the project.

* Integration of Terra Classic into existing
products and services of the company.

- Disadvantages:

* Centralization of Terra Classic, which contradicts the idea of decentralization.

* Loss of control over the project by the community.

* Possible changes in the Terra Classic protocol that do not correspond to the interests of the community.

2. Independent decentralized cryptocurrency:

* Maintaining decentralization and community control over the project.

* Development of Terra Classic in accordance with the interests of users.

* Potentially higher price increases due to increased community engagement and innovation.

* The difficulty of reaching consensus in the development community.

* Limited resources to compete with large cryptocurrencies.

* Lower recognition and adaptation compared to established cryptocurrencies.

3. Reaching the price of $0.50:

* In 2024, reaching the price of $0.50 Terra Classic is unlikely, but not impossible!!

This requires:

* A strong community: Active community participation in the development of Terra Classic, support for projects and dApps on the platform.

* Large investments: Attracting large investors and institutional players.

* Roadmap Implementation: Timely fulfillment of the points of the Roadmap Terra Classic, including the launch of new functions and protocols.

* Favorable market conditions: A positive trend in the cryptocurrency market.

#binance #Bitcoin #ЛюбимыйТокен #Dapps #LUNC✅
Your repost will help make it all happen. Please repost!!! Friends, the Terra Classic community! Do Kwon and Terraform Labs are the past.nNow the future of Terra Classic is in our hands! Together we can: * To revive Terra Classic as a strong and independent decentralized cryptocurrency. * Develop and implement new protocols and applications. * Attract new users and investors. * Make Terra Classic a powerful tool for achieving financial freedom.Terra Classic has huge potential. He has: * A strong and active user base. * A developed ecosystem of dApps. * A talented development team.Don't underestimate the power of the community! Together we can achieve a lot. Join us! Support Terra Classic! Together we will make Terra Classic great! Here are some ways you can help: * Purchase and hold Terra Classic. * Participate in the development of protocols and dApps. * Spread information about Terra Classic. * Attract new users. Together we can change the world! Terra Classic is the future! Don't miss your chance to be a part of something great! $BTC $LUNC $LUNA #DoKwon #TerraClassicRising #LUNC✅ #Bitcoin #binance {future}(1000LUNCUSDT) {future}(LUNA2USDT) {future}(BTCUSDT)
Your repost will help make it all happen.
Please repost!!!

Friends, the Terra Classic community! Do Kwon and Terraform Labs are the past.nNow the future of Terra Classic is in our hands!

Together we can:
* To revive Terra Classic as a strong and independent decentralized cryptocurrency.

* Develop and implement new protocols and applications.

* Attract new users and investors.

* Make Terra Classic a powerful tool for achieving financial freedom.Terra Classic has huge potential.

He has:

* A strong and active user base.

* A developed ecosystem of dApps.

* A talented development team.Don't underestimate the power of the community!

Together we can achieve a lot.
Join us!
Support Terra Classic!
Together we will make Terra Classic great!

Here are some ways you can help:

* Purchase and hold Terra Classic.

* Participate in the development of protocols and dApps.

* Spread information about Terra Classic.

* Attract new users.
Together we can change the world! Terra Classic is the future!
Don't miss your chance to be a part of something great!

#DoKwon #TerraClassicRising #LUNC✅ #Bitcoin #binance
Terra Price Prediction The Terra ecosystem has suffered a tremendous crash that many fear the token may not recover from. In May 2022, Terraform Labs’ UST stablecoin depegged significantly, with about half a trillion US dollars from the crypto market. In response, the company liquidated their $BTC holdings to restabilize the coin. Fast-forward to June 2024, and $LUNA is trading at a DeFi coin price of $0.5007, over a 97% dip from its all-time high of $19.54. The token has been in a year-long decline, recording 14.7% and 15.3% losses on its monthly and yearly charts. The current market conditions hint at the bears maintaining control of the coin as investors’ scepticism for its survival mounts. Its 24-hour chart highlights a $0.4798 low and a $0.5323 high, showing high fluctuation levels.TerraForms’ CEO, Chris Amani, has announced that the company will dissolve and hand over Terra blockchain operations to the community. This comes after accepting a $4.47 billion settlement with the SEC despite having only $75 million in assets. The settlement includes a $3.58 billion disgorgement and a $420 million civil penalty. Although LUNA’s market cap is declining by 5%, its 24-hour trading volume is up 6% at $384,124,672 and $32,812,824, respectively, showing that all hope is not lost for the token. Investors seeking the best coin to invest in have not lost sight of LUNA’s potential following Do Kwon and TerraForm’s exit. The token is up 22.51% from its $0.3783 all-time low. {spot}(BTCUSDT) {future}(LUNA2USDT) {future}(1000LUNCUSDT) $LUNC #decentralization #LUNC✅ #TerraClassicRising #BinanceTournament" #BTCFOMCWatch
Terra Price Prediction
The Terra ecosystem has suffered a tremendous crash that many fear the token may not recover from. In May 2022, Terraform Labs’ UST stablecoin depegged significantly, with about half a trillion US dollars from the crypto market. In response, the company liquidated their $BTC holdings to restabilize the coin. Fast-forward to June 2024, and $LUNA is trading at a DeFi coin price of $0.5007, over a 97% dip from its all-time high of $19.54. The token has been in a year-long decline, recording 14.7% and 15.3% losses on its monthly and yearly charts. The current market conditions hint at the bears maintaining control of the coin as investors’ scepticism for its survival mounts. Its 24-hour chart highlights a $0.4798 low and a $0.5323 high, showing high fluctuation levels.TerraForms’ CEO, Chris Amani, has announced that the company will dissolve and hand over Terra blockchain operations to the community. This comes after accepting a $4.47 billion settlement with the SEC despite having only $75 million in assets. The settlement includes a $3.58 billion disgorgement and a $420 million civil penalty. Although LUNA’s market cap is declining by 5%, its 24-hour trading volume is up 6% at $384,124,672 and $32,812,824, respectively, showing that all hope is not lost for the token.
Investors seeking the best coin to invest in have not lost sight of LUNA’s potential following Do Kwon and TerraForm’s exit. The token is up 22.51% from its $0.3783 all-time low.

#decentralization #LUNC✅ #TerraClassicRising #BinanceTournament" #BTCFOMCWatch
If it is recorded in the #binance data, "TerraClassicUSD (USTC) is a decentralized algorithmic stablecoin of the Terra Classic blockchain, pegged to 1 US dollar. In order to mint 1 USTC, it is necessary to burn a LUNC reserve asset in the amount of 1 US dollar." The legend is returning, and with the support of Binance and the community, #LUNC✅ and #USTC will once again become a center of trust that will ignite the cryptocurrency market with a mega bull. #AirdropGuide $LUNC $USTC #ЛюбимыйТокен $BTC {spot}(LUNCUSDT) {spot}(USTCUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
If it is recorded in the #binance data, "TerraClassicUSD (USTC) is a decentralized algorithmic stablecoin of the Terra Classic blockchain, pegged to 1 US dollar. In order to mint 1 USTC, it is necessary to burn a LUNC reserve asset in the amount of 1 US dollar."

The legend is returning, and with the support of Binance and the community, #LUNC✅ and #USTC will once again become a center of trust that will ignite the cryptocurrency market with a mega bull.

#AirdropGuide $LUNC $USTC #ЛюбимыйТокен $BTC
Friends, I apologize for the tense posts, but the agenda is full and there are a lot of question marks in people's heads. I will evaluate these statements regarding the $LUNC and the upcoming process; The events are very positive for us, 1-The dark structure called Terra will be completely removed from our lives, and the concept of decentralization will become clearer. The image of a "fraudster" among people will disappear. 2- As I mentioned earlier, we will learn to stand up for ourselves without expecting anything from this dark structure and the gangs that feed on it. 3- Terra or Do Kwon (crypto is prohibited) must burn all the LUNA, $USTC and LUNA they have. As I argued, if they have 1-2 trillion luncs, they will burn them. 4-#Binance or other organizations can make a statement of support to the community. They can help us in this process. We should even put pressure in this direction, they also have a responsibility. 5. There may be a listing on Coinbase. 6. The most important issue for me is the rapid introduction of a 1.2% tax on stock exchanges and this proposal is supported by public support from our side. All money must be withdrawn for exchanges, transfers cancelled and incineration initiated. Once we achieve this, even if they have LUNC, trillions of LUNC will disappear even without the burning process, as they will not be able to legally send them to exchanges. We must continue our journey with a real foundation and employees, providing a lot of income to the community, details are available in my previous posts and on the forum. 7-Some friends got worried, wondering what would happen to us, is our money safe? Don't be afraid, there is nothing negative, we have long since severed ties with Terra. The situation is the same with USTC. Although the situation with $LUNA seems very negative, you will see that it will gain more value in the future, because now more people will work at LUNA A , and we can say that the chamber has joined. We, now I can buy it.  #LUNC✅ #ЛюбимыйТокен #binance #TerraClassicRising #DeFi
Friends, I apologize for the tense posts, but the agenda is full and there are a lot of question marks in people's heads.

I will evaluate these statements regarding the $LUNC and the upcoming process;
The events are very positive for us,

1-The dark structure called Terra will be completely removed from our lives, and the concept of decentralization will become clearer. The image of a "fraudster" among people will disappear.

2- As I mentioned earlier, we will learn to stand up for ourselves without expecting anything from this dark structure and the gangs that feed on it.

3- Terra or Do Kwon (crypto is prohibited) must burn all the LUNA, $USTC and LUNA they have. As I argued, if they have 1-2 trillion luncs, they will burn them.

4-#Binance or other organizations can make a statement of support to the community. They can help us in this process. We should even put pressure in this direction, they also have a responsibility.

5. There may be a listing on Coinbase.

6. The most important issue for me is the rapid introduction of a 1.2% tax on stock exchanges and this proposal is supported by public support from our side. All money must be withdrawn for exchanges, transfers cancelled and incineration initiated. Once we achieve this, even if they have LUNC, trillions of LUNC will disappear even without the burning process, as they will not be able to legally send them to exchanges. We must continue our journey with a real foundation and employees, providing a lot of income to the community, details are available in my previous posts and on the forum.

7-Some friends got worried, wondering what would happen to us, is our money safe? Don't be afraid, there is nothing negative, we have long since severed ties with Terra. The situation is the same with USTC. Although the situation with $LUNA seems very negative, you will see that it will gain more value in the future, because now more people will work at LUNA A , and we can say that the chamber has joined. We, now I can buy it. 

#LUNC✅ #ЛюбимыйТокен #binance #TerraClassicRising #DeFi
Imagine that a large technology company, for example, #Microsoft , #Google or Meta, decides to purchase Terra Classic. Possible consequences: 1)Price spike: Investors are likely to react enthusiastically, which will lead to a significant increase in the price of Terra Classic. 2)Increased Liquidity: Access to #TerraClassic trading on a large company's platform can significantly increase its liquidity, making it easier to buy and sell. 3)New product development: A large company can use resources and expertise to develop new products and services based on Terra Classic, which will expand its functionality and attract new users. 4)Institutional implementation: The support of a large company may encourage other large companies and institutional investors to explore and use Terra Classic, which will lead to its wider adoption. So guys, all is not lost. We can only wait.... #BTC #LUNC✅ $LUNC $LUNA $BTC
Imagine that a large technology company, for example, #Microsoft , #Google or Meta, decides to purchase Terra Classic. Possible consequences:

1)Price spike: Investors are likely to react enthusiastically, which will lead to a significant increase in the price of Terra Classic.

2)Increased Liquidity: Access to #TerraClassic trading on a large company's platform can significantly increase its liquidity, making it easier to buy and sell.

3)New product development: A large company can use resources and expertise to develop new products and services based on Terra Classic, which will expand its functionality and attract new users.

4)Institutional implementation: The support of a large company may encourage other large companies and institutional investors to explore and use Terra Classic, which will lead to its wider adoption.

So guys, all is not lost. We can only wait....


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