Binance Square
The Sandbox disclosed that it has purchased 6 Meme tokens including PEPE and SHIB The Sandbox has disclosed that it has purchased six types of Meme tokens, including PEPE, SHIB, MEME, DOGE, and BONK. The specific purchase time and amount have not been disclosed. The Sandbox stated that the purchase will help support specific communities and increase their influence in Web3 culture. The next step is to use its Meme tokens to launch attractive initiatives. $DOGE $SHIB $BONK #AirdropGuide

The Sandbox disclosed that it has purchased 6

Meme tokens including PEPE and SHIB

The Sandbox has disclosed that it has purchased six

types of Meme tokens, including PEPE, SHIB, MEME,

DOGE, and BONK. The specific purchase time

and amount have not been disclosed. The Sandbox

stated that the purchase will help support specific

communities and increase their influence in Web3

culture. The next step is to use its Meme tokens to

launch attractive initiatives.



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