Binance Square
📉 Bitfarms' crypto mining revenue took a 42% nosedive in May, the first full month after Bitcoin's halving event. From 263 BTC in April to a mere 156 in May, Bitfarms blames the "post-halving economics" and the coldest temperatures in 44 years at their Argentina facility. But hey, every cloud has a silver lining! Despite the chilly setback, Bitfarms managed to secure an additional 100 megawatts at its Paraguay site, potentially adding 6 EH/s by 2025. Plus, they've got 16,200 Bitcoin miners en route to boost their hash rate. So, keep your mittens on, Bitfarms, it's not all frostbite and falling figures!

📉 Bitfarms' crypto mining revenue took a 42% nosedive in May, the first full month after Bitcoin's halving event. From 263 BTC in April to a mere 156 in May, Bitfarms blames the "post-halving economics" and the coldest temperatures in 44 years at their Argentina facility. But hey, every cloud has a silver lining! Despite the chilly setback, Bitfarms managed to secure an additional 100 megawatts at its Paraguay site, potentially adding 6 EH/s by 2025. Plus, they've got 16,200 Bitcoin miners en route to boost their hash rate. So, keep your mittens on, Bitfarms, it's not all frostbite and falling figures!

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