Binance Square
🚀Hey #CryptoTwitter! Big news in the #blockchain world! Polygon, StarkWare, and Polyhedra are challenging zkSync's use of the ZK ticker! They're demanding Matter Labs withdraw its trademark application for "zero knowledge."🔥 🎯What's your take on this? Is this a fair fight or just a storm in a teacup? Let's get the conversation started in the comments!👇 🌈Despite the drama, we remain bullish on #DeFi, #BTC, #ETH, and #ALTCOINS. The market is vibrant and full of opportunities! Let's navigate these exciting times together!🚀 Remember, the future is #crypto!💎🌐

🚀Hey #CryptoTwitter! Big news in the #blockchain world! Polygon, StarkWare, and Polyhedra are challenging zkSync's use of the ZK ticker! They're demanding Matter Labs withdraw its trademark application for "zero knowledge."🔥

🎯What's your take on this? Is this a fair fight or just a storm in a teacup? Let's get the conversation started in the comments!👇

🌈Despite the drama, we remain bullish on #DeFi, #BTC, #ETH, and #ALTCOINS. The market is vibrant and full of opportunities! Let's navigate these exciting times together!🚀

Remember, the future is #crypto!💎🌐

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